Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween. And life.

Halloween was a fun, busy day! We met some friends downtown during the day and did trick-or-treating at some local shops down there. I love it downtown, its so pretty. My dad stopped by to drop of fun flashlights for the kids, we ate a quick dinner then we stopped by my Mom's work so she could see them. Then we came home and picked up Steven and went to his parents' neighborhood to trick-or-treat.

My gnome and flower pot. :)

Their costumes were a HUGE hit, especially Rian's! She got millions of compliements and lots of people wanted to take her picture. Best costumes of the day/night! If I do say so myself. :) We came home and watched "The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" then we were off to bed for Aiden's first day of preschool!

He loved his first day! He didn't want to leave when I went to pick him up. :) Definitely makes me happy [and it easier] that he loves it so much. He woke up Monday with signs of a cold and yesterday he woke up with a bad cough so he had his first sick day- already. He, in his words, was "not so happy." He wanted to be at school oh so badly. He couldn't wait to get there today!

I'm still a little "eh" about the whole thing. Mondays I know all the schools in the district have early out. On Friday, I waited a minute to see if they'd say anything. Of course not. So I had to ask them about it. Turns out, on Mondays he goes in at a complete different time! I would've liked to have gotten some sort of "Welcome" paper or something. Also, Friday he tells me he ate a "bean taco" and Monday he said he had pizza. So I called Tuesday morning and it turns out, they provide lunch for them! Would've been nice to know so I wasn't already feeding him here. Whatever.

Saturday I decided to take the kids downtown to the Festival of Arts. I'd never been but I want to try to start taking them to do more things around town. I wasn't sure what to expect, I invited Steven's mom to come with us.

It was fun! There were a ton of booths set up with a bunch of different crafts. And it was free! The kids loved it, it just stunk because it was sooo dang hot. Its November, the heat needs to go away already! Then we went to lunch and let the kids play for awhile. We had a nice day with Grandma!

We haven't done anything to the house. Nothing. I'm so over living like this. Seriously. I finally told Steven that since he's not doing any of the major stuff, then he better build me my tv stand! I've been wanting a different for soooo long. He started on it on Sunday and Tuesday I painted it and it was in the night.

Honestly, I can't even begin to express how much I love it! It makes our little living room feel so much bigger. I just put one coat of paint on so you can still see all the wood grain and natural wood imperfections, just my style.

Some randomness:

A few weeks ago, I signed Aiden up for a Lowe's Build and Grow craft class. My dad took him. [I love how involved our parents are with the kids, they help us so much and all love being around each other.] Well, while he was waiting for Papa to pick him up, he told me he wanted to spend the night over there. I told him he needed to ask but don't be upset if he can't. He said, "But I already packed my backpack!" I went and looked: jammies and Curious George. :) [He ended up getting what he wanted and they both spent the night.] I signed him up for another one but had to cancel because he has plans. But he's going to the one after that. They gave him a Lowe's apron and everytime he goes to one, he gets a patch to iron on it. Fun!

-He's back to calling me Momma again. So weird. He's been calling me Mommy for about a year!

-Last night at dinner, during his and Rian's little chit chat, he called her Obama. I asked him who that is. He said, "That guy that's on tv with Mitt Romney"- whaaaaat?! Little brains are like sponges!

-He doesn't talk much when I pick him up from school. Gives me the "yes/no" when I ask questions. But for some reason, around dinner time he spills the beans. He tells me alll about what he did. Even days later he'll tell me something random, like they sang a song about a turkey or that the teacher opened a pumpkin so the kids could take the seeds out but he was playing with Play Doh so he didn't get seeds. I wish I could secretly watch him at school, I hope he's a good boy!

-Geoff and Jeanette got him a big fire truck puzzle for his birthday, he did it about four times with Steven and one night he kept bugging Steven to help him. He told him to try it himself, he did it!

He does it in record speed now. Its cute watching him, he has a little technique. I think Santa will be bringing him a couple more puzzles!

Happy that Thanksgiving is coming up and we get to see some family! Also, the boys' [Steven's, his Dad's and Aiden's] "Second Annual Guy's Camping Trip" is coming up next weekend. Better find some fun girly stuff to do with my Punky!

1 comment:

  1. Every time you post it's so hard to believe how big the kids are!!

    You need to look up more free stuff around time. In Tucson, a lady writes a blog with all the fun stuff. I look at it everyday.
