Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22

Another (huge) reason I wanted to try to update more often is because I wanted to remember everything about this pregnancy! I wrote a little bit down with the other kids' but in the grand scheme of things, it was barely anything. And of course, everything I thought I'd remember forever, I've already forgotten.

(This is a really boring post, more for me to look back on, more than anything.)

Yesterday was my first appointment. I made it a week and a day after I got my positive. She wanted to give me the 14th but I asked if it could be later (better chances of seeing a heartbeat!) and she gave me the 21st at 12:30.

As tired as I've been, the three nights before the appointment, I had a hard time falling asleep, I felt so anxious. I spent so much praying for a good, strong heartbeat. The morning of, I woke up so nervous! And excited. My heart was going a million miles a minute. My dad was off so we took the kids over there. We got to the office really early, right at noon. It was practically empty! There were two other patients in the huge waiting room. Don't know if it was because it was a holiday or around lunch time.

This is my third "first OB appointment"- the first two were the same, this one was a little different. Longest appointment ever! We got called back pretty quick and I got to pee! Back in the room, she didn't check my weight and blood pressure like they usually do, she had me sit in a chair and asked me a million questions (this was new!) Normally they mail a paper and you just fill it out. When we got to my patient history, she was in shock at how big the kids were, especially with how small I am- she went on and on about it and mentioned it throughout the rest of the questions. She even marked Aiden as something like "LGR" in my "risks" section, she said it means he was large for his gestational age. Listen lady, I don't want to worry about another big baby til I'm at the end of this thing! And apparently, big babies are smarter, she said. Whatever! She gave us a bag full of booklets, brochures, DVDs, magazines, etc. (another new thing!)

After the interrogation, we were sat in another little waiting room. We were starving by this time! I'd been too nervous to eat beforehand. The nurse checked my stats then it was time to get in the super, awesome paper vest and blanket! And wait for the doctor. He finally came in and looked through my info on the world's slowest computer. Checked my heart, boobs and all that other stuff. When he put the ultrasound wand in, I saw my uterus right away. That's it. That's all I saw. My heart stopped and I looked at Steven. When I looked back, he was zooming in and then I saw the baby. :) and right after that, the squiggly area of the beating heart- I felt my whole body relax. Such a good feeling!

After that we made my appointment for next month and checked out, then I had to do blood work. Thankfully the lab is in the office so we didn't have to go somewhere else! And I knew the lab tech so our catching up made that part really quick. THEN (seriously, it felt like forever) we met with the financing lady. I'd already talked to her on the phone so I knew what to expect, she just showed us the payment due dates. The first one wasn't due til next month but we paid one yesterday so we're ahead of the game!

I didn't take any pictures today, can't wait to start getting some energy back.


  1. I have been lokking forward to your first appointment too! I can't waot to read about everything and follow you along on this journey!

  2. Very exciting, Love! Thanks for sharing your journey!!! <3
