Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45

Ahh these hormones! Everything makes me want to cry lately. Thinking about the baby being born: tears. Aiden said he was like a mailman delivering packages while passing out his Valentine cards: tears. He was blowing bubbles outside today while I was making dinner: tears. So many tears! But happy ones of course. :)

The little girl I mentioned the other day, that I think likes Aiden, well guess what? He likes her too! My baby's first crush. :/ I was asking him questions about her and he was all giggles and smiles. He told me he thinks she's pretty! It was really cute, but he's mine! Haha. Tears of course! I'm not ready for this.

The kids loved today! All about love. ❤ They were so excited and happy to see their new books and other little goodies this morning. They gasped with excitement every time I put food in front of them. Steven and I never do Valentine's Day, but today he gave me his "go-to" gift, my favorite chocolate chocolate chip muffins. He gives them for everything!

1 comment:

  1. I would be excited if you put all that heart shaped food in front of me too!
