Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 (13 weeks pregnant)

Thirteen weeks today! Everything I read says something different, second trimester starts at 13 weeks, starts at 13w2d or 13w3d or at 14 weeks. Confusing! So I say I'm "entering the second trimester." :)

The baby is 3 inches and weighs about an ounce. My nausea and exhaustion are totally gone. Replaced with heartburn and painful poops! My boobs have been veiny from the start, now my belly and sides are too. My skin and head are really itchy! I had to get dandruff shampoo and Steven has to put lotion on my back (both things that were done when I was pregnant with Aiden.)

We have our boy and girl name picked out, (unless something we like better comes along) now we need middle names! The boy name we have, I wanted it for Aiden but changed my mind for a certain reason, which I now think is silly. When I realized how stupidly popular Aiden is, I wished I'd named him the other name, but maybe he'll have a brother with that name!

Today I had a really weird craving, but one that's totally normal for a lot of people. Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and hash browns covered with ketchup! I don't eat ketchup on my eggs. But omg- it was SOOO good! We didn't have hash browns but thankfully we had tatter tots! I had it for lunch, I already want more!

The coloring in the second picture is weird, Rian's cute!

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