Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 84

Today we had our first Parent/Teacher conference, so weird that we're doing things like this! Wasn't Aiden just born?! He gets out early every Monday (and also for the rest of the week because of the conferences) so Steven went to get him and they were going to hang out for a little bit til our conference. They went and got ice cream, lucky! :) While he was gone, I felt about 10 movements in the exact same spot. All my doubting and finally I know for sure, that was the baby! (16w5d)

Our meeting with Aiden's teacher went really well. They all said such nice things about him, it made me want to cry! Crazy emotions. They said he's so polite and such a good boy and they're happy he ended up in the class (he started later than everybody else.) His teacher is really impressed with him since he's the youngest one in class. Proud mommy and daddy. :)

Since he got such a good report, we took him to Target to get a laptop like Rian has. It's caused soo many fights, I don't know why we didn't get two at Christmas! That problem's now solved.

Anytime one of them gets their computer, the other one does too. And this is the only time he lets her sit by him! They make sure they're both playing the same game too.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. I'm glad he's doing so well in school. Now we know he's going to make a great transition into kindergarten :)
