Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 137

Oh my gosh, last night was a rough one. My hip pain is especially bad at night. Around 3am, I googled how to sleep with it during pregnancy. All the professional sites said with a pillow between your legs (already do that!) But in most of the forums, they said they were most comfortable sleeping as upright as possible, oh boy. So I put all of the pillows an upside down V shape and finally got a few hours of sleep.

Later in the morning, the kids wouldn't stop fighting so they ended up both falling asleep when I sent them to their rooms! They woke up in great moods and we got ready to take Aiden to school, he had a field trip to a little water play/park place.

So excited!

And then we were off to the salon for Rian's FIRST HAIR CUT. Eek!

It already looked cute when she chopped it off, before it was even cut into a style!

She's been wanting one for awhile now, she always hears about Steven and Aiden getting haircuts. She did soo well! I had to hold back my tears and just smile silently. She's had that hair on her head since she was born. Going through a girl's first haircut is way different and harder than a boy's. But I was way more excited for this one!

Before and after:

I spent the next few hours just staring at her.

Shortly after we picked AJ up from school, we got pizza! Perfect Friday night dinner. Papa Murphy's is probably our favorite place. It's soo good, not pricey and they always have coupons. I got the kids these little pizza making kits.

Of course they loved them. Rian kept eating her toppings. :)

We hung out outside then watched a little tv before bed. There was so much excitement today that besides this morning, the kids got along so well. We had such a good day! They asked if they could have a sleepover in Aiden's room.

I said yes, not thinking it'd end well, but they both fell asleep right away.

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