Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 141

I don't have a picture for today, oops.

So here's one of Steven and Rian napping on Sunday. He gets so mad when I take pictures of him sleeping.
Today I decided to not keep babysitting for as long as I can after all. I told her I can probably do through June. My hips are bothering me way too much. Since this is AJ's last week at preschool, I also won't have a vehicle big enough for all three kids to go and do stuff, mostly swimming! I'm really looking forward to doing that and I can't til I'm done babysitting. The extra money's nice, but I'm over it.
Plus, it'll give us one full month to just be us again, before Aiden starts school fulltime and we have a new baby. I don't have the guilt like I had during Rian's pregnancy, but the big changes that are about to happen having me feeling a little vulnerable. I'm super excited for it all, but everything's about to become so different. I want that month to spend time with just my kids, I need it.

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