Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 150

When I got done babysitting today, we went to Target to grab a few things. I got burp clothes, a baby blanket, a foam pad to bathe the baby in the sink (I've gotten one for all three, so much easier than having a big tub taking up space we don't have) and I chose onesies for the Coming Home outfit. I only have a few more things on my list, then I'm done!

I know choosing the first outfit is a big deal for some people, AJ and Rian both wore onesies home, I don't go all out picking some outrageous outfits for my newborns. Comfy is all that matters! I'll add little accessories like a headband, socks etc. to make it pop though! But I'm perfectly content with simple things. :)

Our baby will be wearing one of these the first time we bring him or her home- eek!

1 comment:

  1. Lol at the 'outrageous' outfits! Guilty but love it! and looove simple, too!
