Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 156 (27 weeks pregnant)

One of the apps I read says that I'm officially in the third trimester- omg! The other one doesn't count it til next week, but either way, I can't believe it. In the final leg, already. I keep waiting for this pregnancy to slow down, but so far it hasn't at all. Flying right by. There will be a baby in my arms before I know it.
27 weeks!
Somebody asked me how much I've gained so far on Instagram. I don't mind telling people, even if it was a lot more. I weighed myself on Sunday at my Mom's (I don't own a scale) and hadn't gained any weight since my last appointment, so I'm still at an 8-pound gain, I was surprised. I also looked at my old OB cards to see how much I gained with Aiden and Rian. I couldn't believe my eyes! I was a week ahead with both, so 28 weeks at the appointment closest to where I'm at right now, I'd already gained 30lbs with Aiden! 3-0. That is crazy. Rian was right around 20lbs, I don't remember the exact amount.
I keep wondering if that will have any effect on the baby's size. This whole time I've been worrying about delivering an extra big baby, maybe I can relax a little. And believe me, I'm not trying to not gain weight. I eat! A lot. :)

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