Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 210

I'm tired of wearing the same five shirts, so I'm wearing one of Steven's today. It's really long, so I have it folded up a little, but I was pretty surprised when I put it on and his XL fit so well. Yikes!

Caught these cuties actually loving each other!
My parents and Rachel were all off today, so they picked up Aiden and took him to the movies. Rian really wanted to go, but her first time needs to be with us, in case she doesn't last through. So we took her for some ice cream so she didn't feel so left out.
Afterwards we went to my parents house for dinner (two nights in a row being cooked for, heck yes!) and swimming.
Tonight I'm in a lot of pain. I'm pretty sure the baby dropped. Just when I thought I couldn't hurt anymore too. I'm trying to enjoy it all, soon I'll be missing this!

1 comment:

  1. I giggled at Steven's shirt- I can't picture him wearing it!
