Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 213

August, my last full month being pregnant!

This has been a rough week with Rian. Especially today. We went to the library, to fill out newborn paperwork at the pediatrician's office and to Target for a few things. When we got home I was furious with her behavior. I try my hardest to be patient with her but she makes it so dang difficult.

Aiden has never acted the way she acts in public. I know, I know, they're different people. I shouldn't expect her to be like him. But when it comes to naughty behavior, especially in public, she knows better. And that's what makes it so frustrating.

I've been looking at baby pictures a lot lately. Mostly in anticipation for the new baby, but also because I read that when you're about to lose your temper on your child, look at their baby picture. She was the SWEETEST baby ever. She still has her sweet moments, she's not possessed every second of the day, but she does spend a majority of her day getting into trouble.

I couldn't wait to put her to bed tonight! When she's sleeping, she's my sweet baby again. I go in there every night and pray for a better tomorrow. It's been weeks since we've had a good day. :(

I'm already scared for the teen years. Lord help me.

On a happy note: while I was cooking dinner, she showed me that she wrote a "J"

Exciting! (always making weird faces)
She does sooo well with tracing. On her own she can write I, H, L, O, E, F, and now J. She could probably write a few more easily, but we're not that far into her activity book yet.

1 comment:

  1. She is getting so big and so smart. I giggled at her face- she is so cute! I would baby sit her if I could and give yoou a break. I miss her.
