Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 226 (37 weeks pregnant)

Seriously. How in the world is my pregnancy about to end?! Full-term today.

Nothing new to report. I haven't even really been having any BH contractions. Like none at all. How boring! Just the usual pain and pressure.
My three baby bellies
This baby gets hiccups waaaay more than AJ and Rian ever did. At least twice a day. S/he also hurts me way more than they did. There's constantly a little round thing, I'm guessing a heel, bulging out of my right side. It hurts!
I'm certain I'll go an extra week. But for now, I'm just focusing on my due date, 21 days away. When the 4th comes, then I'll think about those extra days. Three weeks is such a small amount of time! Thinking about having four weeks left feels so much longer, even though it's not really.
I'm so ready, but I'm so not. So many mixed emotions.
One more week until my first baby turns FIVE!

1 comment:

  1. All the pictures are taken in the same spot too!
    Ryan used to get hiccups a lot too!!
    After Aiden's birthday your due date is only 14 days away!!
