Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55

Today Steven and the kids were supposed to meet Oliver, but of course, they've been snotty and coughing. Never ending! But it still happened, they stopped by real quick so they could get a peek. He is so cuuuute! Aiden kept saying, "Oliver's my new cousin!" :)

We had a pretty lazy day, besides grocery shopping. I cleaned out my closet, I don't like getting rid of anything! But there are things I hadn't worn in years and I was running out of room. We went grocery shopping and there was a ham and pineapple pizza for $3.50 Steven wanted to get, so we had it for dinner. My first time ever tasting it- not horrible, but I probably wouldn't choose to have it again.

I've been eating fruit like crazy! Especially pineapple, Rian and I ate one in three days two weeks ago, then I couldn't find any anywhere til yesterday- yum! I got the last one, Steven probably thought I was crazy for how excited I was!


  1. I just cleaned out my closet too! I got rid of half my closet! Time to go shopping :)

  2. Aw! Oliver loves his cousins! <3
