Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56

This morning I had my 12 week ultrasound. I was the first appointment so I got in right away. I don't know why, but I don't remember doing this with the other two. Aiden has an ultrasound picture from when he was in his 12th week (I'm pretty sure the doctor did it, not the ultrasound tech.) I remembered being in the room before when I walked in, but other than that nothing! I don't remember them pricking my finger or having a real ultrasound.

I wish Steven could've gone but I have Sean today and kids aren't allowed anyway. When we last saw the baby 5 weeks ago, it was just a little bean shape- now its a little human! The first five minutes the baby was sleeping, she kept saying what a beautiful, perfect position s/he was in. The arms were curled up by the head. Then it opened its mouth and started going crazy! I got to watch it for 30 minutes, probably because it was moving so much she had to redo quite a few of the shots she needed. She was taking pictures of the umbilical cord and the itty bitty foot was facing us, it was so cute!

She said everything looks/is measuring normal, so hopefully the blood work says the same. It was so amazing! I could've sat there all day watching my baby. It's amazing thinking about how fast it's grown and changed. She gave me three pictures, the kids were in awe looking at them.

This last week I've felt little things and I'm wondering if its the baby! Everything I've read say some start feeling the baby in the 13th week. I'm not counting it as the first movement til I know it for sure, I can't wait!

I like how it's all stretched out in the last one! (I feel so weird calling it an "it" but it's easy than s/he him/her all the time!)


  1. What a perfect little baby!!!! How exciting!

    I would be sad if I couldn't take kids with me! Ryan & Elyse both went to see Jakey for the first time.

    One day this perfect little baby is going to turn into a crazy 2 year old. haha.

  2. Bebe's ultrasound picture looks exactly like Oliver's at this time! Insane! So cute!
