Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 78

I got an email today from Baby Center about feeling the baby move. I went to the article, it was all stuff I already knew, but one of the comments caught my eye. She said she had an anterior placenta (in front of the baby) so she felt the baby move later than most. Hey! That's what I have! I didn't even think to google that yesterday. I hadn't realized it was a "thing"- if that makes sense.

So I read up on it, it said the stuff about feeling the baby move later AND that it makes it more difficult to hear the baby's heartbeat. It's nothing to be worried about. It's caused by where the egg implanted and typically makes its way behind the baby during the pregnancy. I felt sooo much better after I read that! :) Now everything from yesterday makes complete sense, like how she mentioned my placenta's position, etc. Ahhh relief!

I'm a little bummed that it might take me longer to for sure know its the baby (but I am having more and more bumps and brushes that make me think it is!) but at least it's nothing of concern.

Rian has been loving on my belly more and more lately, instead of hitting it all the time.

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