Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 79 (16 weeks pregnant)

16 weeks today! It feels a little crazy thinking that in just 4 weeks, I'll be halfway done!

At this stage with Aiden and Rian, I'd already gained 9lbs. So far, I've only gained 4. Since I started out weighing more, this makes me feel a lot better. I've been doing my light workouts and eating as healthy as I can, but of course, I indulge in junk here and there. :) I'm entering the crazy weight gain period though... eek!
Earlier while I was feeding Sean, I felt a little bump. A few minutes later, I felt it again in the same spot. I feel pretty certain it was the baby, but this whole anterior placenta thing has me second guessing everything! Later while I was feeding him again, I felt it. Maybe the weight of him against the baby? I wish I knew for sure! My skin is finally clearing up, thank goodness. By the end of the day, I feel pretty sore somtimes, my back and legs. The days its been warmer than usual, my feet swell a little, after standing cooking dinner and cleaning the kitchen. But other than that, everything's perfect.
My ultrasound is in two weeks. Exciting! Weird to think it's already almost time for that. And lame, but I got super excited when she told me I didn't have to drink 10 gallons of water and hold it for 5 hours before the ultrasound- haha! We're working out where/who can take the kids so Steven can come too, I hope we find somebody! I imagine it's lonely going to things like that alone. We're still not tempted at all to know what the baby is.
Our boy name has changed since I last posted about it, but we're still not 100% set on it. Boy has a middle name, it sounds good with the first name we're thinking right now. Girl name won't be changing, still need a middle name.
I feel like its a boy. But we'll seeeee, in another 24 weeks or so!

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