Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Now that's it's November, I figured I'd better update for September! I started a few times, but I have a baby with sticky fingers who likes shutting down the computer.
September 3rd, Asher's last night before he turned one!

5:26am, officially one year old.

Good morning!
(and my ghetto crib cover to keep him from getting paint in his mouth since he likes to scrape his teeth on the crib.)

My birthday boy!

I took

a million

pictures of him with balloons!


Our itty bittiest baby.

Rian's favorite part of school, all the crafting she gets to do!

We have another Barney lover.

A year into breastfeeding. There were so many moments I didn't think I'd even get through that first month. I had about a million clogged milk ducts this last year, but we did it. We're here. So happy and proud of us!

We had an adults night in with G&J! So soo fun.

We got the most random, insane storm this month. My front and back yards will filled and overflowing with water. It was nuts. The weird thing about it, it was in a tiny portion of town. Once I past a certain street on my way to pick Ri up from school, it was totally dry. Not one single drop!

One year and six year well-checks

My 10th percentile boys.
Asher: 18lbs 6oz
Aiden: 40 lbs 8oz

Ashy loves accessories

Rian's first picture day, my beautiful babies.

This month we left Asher for the first time over night. I was sad, nervous, excited, everything.

Mom and Dad time!

Waiting for Kimberly to walk down the aisle.

We had so much fun in the photobooth.

My love.

These girls, my favorite girls! I've been friends with them for over 15 years.
Kim was the most beautiful bride.

She wrote the alphabet!

Loving our fall décor, but why's it so hot outside? Wah.
Last month Aiden got a cold and was complaining about his chest, he was also breathing strange that night but was fine the next day, well not fine, but better. And even better the day after that, so I didn't think anything of it. Until a month later, he got another cold and was crying again because his chest pain was so bad. I hardly slept a wink that night watching him breathe. It was so sad. And now looking back, I'm thanking God and my lucky stars that nothing serious happened. I called the pediatrician the next morning and they got us in right away. Sure enough, she heard wheezing and immediately put him on the nebulizer.

It was a long day of getting our own neb machine for home, filling prescriptions and calling the asthma/allergy specialist for an appointment.
Towards the end of September, I searched high and low for Halloween pajamas. I went to six stores, I checked those stores more than once and still struck out. Holiday jammies are our thing! I was getting pretty bummed thinking we'd have to miss out on them this Halloween. Finally the seventh store I got the exact ones I wanted for all three!
 So I went ahead and let the kids wear them two days early. :)

Our evenings are beginning to cool down, yay!
September was a good one, aren't they all in the grand scheme of things???

Sunday, August 31, 2014


This month was a great one! We had a couple of weeks of summer vacation, then school started for AJ and two weeks later, Rian started.
I just have to share this image. It's from my other blog, when I did Project 365, it was the very first post:
Taken August 20th, 2010
How quickly these last four years have flown. Like they say, in the blink of an eye. I can't imagine life without Asher, but I would love to go back in time, for just one day, to these days. I would squeeze those little babies so hard. Because now I have two big kids, two school-aged kids. And it just blows. my. mind.
We spent as much time as we can outside this month, which is just bits and pieces of the mornings and evenings when you live in triple digit weather. Ew! Go away summer!
Asher loves when the kids push him!

We had a stormy week the very beginning of August and it brought 80-degree weather along with it!

Steven's 32nd birthday.
Family pictures on his birthday are a must! (Even though we missed it last year, boo.)
The day after, we headed to San Diego for one last hurrah before school started.

Sea World was perfect that day, cloudy and not super crowded!

Rian wanted to get her face painted our last trip, I told her, "Next time." The second we stepped foot in, it was the first thing she asked to do.

Asher's first pack & play experience. He did great! We were all exhausted, we turned the lights off at 9:30 and he fell right to sleep.

How?! I don't know. I ask myself this every fourth of each month.
Asher now gives kisses (says "muah!" and if he sees a hair brush, he tries to brush his hair.
I didn't keep track of his developments this month, bad Momma!

My beach crew.

Asher's first trip to the beach was so good!

I'd put him down on the blanket and he'd crawl back to the water for more.
He liked the waves knocking him around and he'd pick up the sand and let it fall between his fingers. He's such an explorer, I love that about him.

My little builder, always with the Legos!


August 7th, Asher took three steps

My biggest babe, off to first grade open house!

My boys and their cars.
Can you believe it?! I have a first grader.
My third "first day of school" drop off. It's getting easier! As we walked away, my throat got a little tight, but not one single tear.

So obsessed with these two and their bond.

He cracks me up, always! He finds all of the kids whistles and tries to blow them.

That face.


August 21, 2014
5:12am, officially six years old!

Making a wish.

s i x

Looking more and more like a big boy, wah!

He's been awful with his sippy cup lately! He makes such a mess.
Aiden and Rian were both off of their bottles by his age, before they turned one, I'm not taking his away right away. Ten days after his first birthday, we're going to an "adults only" wedding out of town and we're leaving the kids with my parents. It's going to be his first time away from me during the night and I'm so worried! He's getting better at sleeping, but he only wants to nurse when he wakes up, no bottle. I hope he doesn't give my mom a hard time, I've been praying so much about it! So I'm going to let him have his bottle a little longer than I'd like, so our night apart isn't too much for him.

He thinks he's a big kid sometimes. :)

Tv-bug twins!

August 23rd, 2014
On the 22nd, Asher walked from his bedroom all the way to the couch. The first time he did more than just a few steps without stumbling. The next night, that was it, he was officially walking. Ugh my momma heart!

Rian's first day of preschool!
She has been beside herself with excitement!
I didn't expect to be emotional, but I cried a little when I got back into the car. These years just go by so, so fast. But I'm so happy she loves it so much. I couldn't imagine how hard it'd be if she didn't want to be there.

I love this picture.
 This month I painted my kitchen for the millionth time! haha. I do love the green, it just makes it way too dark in here. I was ready for something lighter and brighter and was kicking myself in the butt for not doing it when our kitchen was a disaster area without flooring and baseboard, for over a year! But of course, I had to wait til it was done and make it harder on myself!

This wall is now done. I have one more to go, but I have to wait for Steven to patch up where we knocked a little wall out of the kitchen entryway. It was the VERY first thing we did when we bought the house and it's still not finished. (Ask me if I'm surprised.)

August 30, 2014
Asher's first haircut!

So handsome.
And of course he flirted with everybody in there.
We chose to do a double birthday this year at my parents' house. Sadly, I hardly took any pictures. I'm so bummed! I made these cute Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lanters and hung them up with a TMNT store-bought banner. I am SO all about store bought parties these days! They make everything soo easy. I love party crafting, but these days I just don't have time for it. 

We had pizza and the kids swam. Then they played the cutest, most hilarious game of tackle football that I've ever seen! It was a lot of fun.

Asher's my first baby who actually participated in his cake smash, I was so excited!
All of my pictures from the party are of this haha!
The thing I was most sad about was not getting a picture of Aiden and Asher together. Maybe we'll just have to reenact it on Asher's birthday!
He just loves this hat! The only thing he'll keep on his head, he bring it to me when he wants it on.

Now that September is here, we're only days away from my baby's first birthday. While it does make me emotional, I'm not dwelling on it. We're healthy, happy and loved. As hard as it is watching my last baby grow, it's so much more fun and amazing, than it is sad. I'm really excited for this next month! Never, ever a dull moment in my household. Wouldn't have it any other way!