Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31

I feel like a big cry baby, my head hurts so bad. :( It's been almost 24 hours. I took Tylenol this morning, after sleeping with an achy head all night, I needed it! Buuuut it didn't help. Wah.

Rian was hanging out on top of the couch all morning. She looked cute. :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 30 (9 weeks pregnant)

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant! The baby is the size of a grape, but I look like I'm way more than 9 weeks, thanks to bloating! I've forgotten all the fun things that happen during pregnancy, like gas. Even when I don't eat food that typically gives me gas. I'm gassy all. the. time. Toot, toot, toot. Haha gross. And gagging every single time I brush my teeth. What's up with that?! I hate gagging, now I dread brushing my teeth. The extremely sore boobs, especially first thing in the morning- OW! Pimples here and there between my shoulder blades, bacne- EWWW! But I'm growing a baby, whatever.

Down below is me at 15 weeks with Aiden, 12 weeks with Rian and now 9 weeks with Baby 3. It's funny that the picture with Aiden, I heard I couldn't be that big already, "She probably ate a big meal and is pushing it out." Not!

It's crazy how the body works. I've started showing earlier each time, it remembers, they say. They say that with labor too. Rian's labor was a million times easier than Aiden's, hopefully the same goes again!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29

Geez we can't get rid of sickness around this house. The past 3 weeks, somebody has been sick. And we're only out when we absolutely have to be- basically just grocery shopping. Ita gotta be because Aiden's in school. The kids both have colds again, Aiden started with a fever today.

Fevers are so scary to me right now since everything I've read said they can be fatal to the baby during the first trimester. Augh! Praying this passes quick and I can be spared (which doesn't seem likely since they've been coughing in my face all day.) :(

My nausea was gone for a full week, last week! I thought I was done with it. But it came back in full force yesterday and was even worse today. It sucks! The doctor said I can ate vitamin B6 for it, so I think I'm going to try that.

I posted a picture on instagram of my health little meal, trying to do 6 small meals a day, with a caption "I'd rather be eating cheese fries" and Steven came home from work with cheese fries covered in ranch and bacon from Rally's. I felt so sick all day and they made me feel better! It's the weirdest thing. Everything says to stay away from greasy foods, etc because it'll make it worse but three other Mommas have told me they were the same way! Nothing sounds good to me, but the nastiest, greasiest foods.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28

I can tell I'm about to start getting lazy with this daily update. If I do, I'm pretty sure I'll at least stay on track with the baby/kid updates.

Today was kind of a big deal, first hair cut in a year and a half! I kid you not. Gross! I've always been pretty bad at keeping up with trims but I've never been this bad. I did want to grow it out, but I don't know why I ever bother- long hair isn't for me, even when it's kept up with. Steven really wants me to go super short but I'm not that brave anymore. Medium length is where I'm safe, boring Mom Hair! :)

I hardly ever wore it down, so it was hard to find a picture. The one on the left is from 15 weeks ago.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 26

Our dryer stopped working the other day, so Steven's dad came over to fix it. It's the door switch, so it works now but it doesn't stop tumbling when I open the door, you have to turn it to off- til the new switch comes in. Just a few days before it happened, I was washing a load and thought about how sucky it'd be for the washer or dryer to break- we (I) use them constantly! Steven goes through 3-4 outfits/uniforms per day, along with the kids massive amounts of clothes. I'm never caught up! Yesterday I did 8 loads- still have more to do. I honestly don't mind laundry, good thing! And of course, very thankful for my super handy father-in-law!

It rained all night Friday, so Aiden's soccer game was canceled. It always rains the most at night, I want to enjoy it during the day! But it was wet and yucky outside so we spent the day playing and watching movies inside- Honey I Shrunk the Kids and Honey I Blew Up the Kid. Aiden loved them!

And my only picture from today (happy, pregnant girl!) Steven brought home pizza and wings!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25

We had a good few hours with the baby today- Aiden was so cute, he was with him the whole time! He's going to be a really big help to me when our baby comes. :) AJ got his second certificate today at school for always listening to his teachers and helping his friends. So awesome!

Last night I was wanting something sweet SOOO bad. It was crazy, I could not stop thinking about it. All we had was Oreos (thats all we ever have!) that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted cake or cookies or doughnuts haha! So Steven came home with a bunch of stuff for me this morning, he's so cute.

It was rainy today off and on so it was a little muddy outside. The kids came in to wash up for dinner and it was a mess on the bathroom floor, so I had them clean it, they really liked it. They love helping me clean.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24

I've been feeling a little bummed about the age gap between the kids. Five years between three kids is pretty good, but it's that Aiden and Rian are so close in age! Rian will be almost four when Baby Three comes- so big! Aiden will be in 6th grade and Rian will be in 4th when the baby starts kindergarten- eek! They will both be out of high school by the time the baby starts.

I'm due September 4th, the cutoff date for Kinder is September 1st. How awesome would it be, by some miracle, if the baby was born at the end of August?! (Haha I know it'll never happen.) Then they wouldn't be so far apart in school years.

I'll get over it, I just know s/he will be left out a lot...and four kids just doesn't seem right for us. Though I'd love to have more, maybe if I hit the lottery!

Anyway... I only took one picture. Grandma had attached a ballon to Rian's birthday present last month. She loves that balloon! A few days ago when we woke up, it was hovering on the floor because its losing helium. Aiden punched it or something and she went crazy. She was so upset! After I straightened out the balloon, she hid it in this little space between her dresser and the wall. Silly girl!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23 (8 weeks)

Today was an exciting day- all about babies!

Around 9:30, I got a text from Jeanette who was on her way to the hospital- omg! Baby time!

One of Steven's coworkers and his wife had a baby two months ago, they had asked me if I would want to babysit when she went back to work (because they think I'm such a great mom-aw!) So she brought him over yesterday so I could meet him- ahhhh he is so dang cute! I'm going to watch Sean for a few hours on Friday, then I'll have him 3-4 days a week at the end of February. It's going to be great practice for the kids (and me too!)

Baby Oliver made his beautiful entrance into the world at 4:51pm, being pulled out by his Momma. (I saw the video, truly an amazing moment!) Seeing Geoff and Jeanette with their miracle baby was (is) such a blessing. They have gone through so much the last few years, they deserve nothing less than the best. They are the cutest family and I'm so excited for this new adventure in their lives! Welcome to the world, sweet boy! You are so very loved. ❤

Today I am 8 weeks!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22

Another (huge) reason I wanted to try to update more often is because I wanted to remember everything about this pregnancy! I wrote a little bit down with the other kids' but in the grand scheme of things, it was barely anything. And of course, everything I thought I'd remember forever, I've already forgotten.

(This is a really boring post, more for me to look back on, more than anything.)

Yesterday was my first appointment. I made it a week and a day after I got my positive. She wanted to give me the 14th but I asked if it could be later (better chances of seeing a heartbeat!) and she gave me the 21st at 12:30.

As tired as I've been, the three nights before the appointment, I had a hard time falling asleep, I felt so anxious. I spent so much praying for a good, strong heartbeat. The morning of, I woke up so nervous! And excited. My heart was going a million miles a minute. My dad was off so we took the kids over there. We got to the office really early, right at noon. It was practically empty! There were two other patients in the huge waiting room. Don't know if it was because it was a holiday or around lunch time.

This is my third "first OB appointment"- the first two were the same, this one was a little different. Longest appointment ever! We got called back pretty quick and I got to pee! Back in the room, she didn't check my weight and blood pressure like they usually do, she had me sit in a chair and asked me a million questions (this was new!) Normally they mail a paper and you just fill it out. When we got to my patient history, she was in shock at how big the kids were, especially with how small I am- she went on and on about it and mentioned it throughout the rest of the questions. She even marked Aiden as something like "LGR" in my "risks" section, she said it means he was large for his gestational age. Listen lady, I don't want to worry about another big baby til I'm at the end of this thing! And apparently, big babies are smarter, she said. Whatever! She gave us a bag full of booklets, brochures, DVDs, magazines, etc. (another new thing!)

After the interrogation, we were sat in another little waiting room. We were starving by this time! I'd been too nervous to eat beforehand. The nurse checked my stats then it was time to get in the super, awesome paper vest and blanket! And wait for the doctor. He finally came in and looked through my info on the world's slowest computer. Checked my heart, boobs and all that other stuff. When he put the ultrasound wand in, I saw my uterus right away. That's it. That's all I saw. My heart stopped and I looked at Steven. When I looked back, he was zooming in and then I saw the baby. :) and right after that, the squiggly area of the beating heart- I felt my whole body relax. Such a good feeling!

After that we made my appointment for next month and checked out, then I had to do blood work. Thankfully the lab is in the office so we didn't have to go somewhere else! And I knew the lab tech so our catching up made that part really quick. THEN (seriously, it felt like forever) we met with the financing lady. I'd already talked to her on the phone so I knew what to expect, she just showed us the payment due dates. The first one wasn't due til next month but we paid one yesterday so we're ahead of the game!

I didn't take any pictures today, can't wait to start getting some energy back.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21

Remember back in September when Steven told me he didn't think it'd be a good idea to have another baby? Well a month later when our insurance policy for the upcoming year came in and I saw our rates went up, I told him we might as well just have another one because every year it'll end up costing more and more. He said okay. Omg! So that month we tried, you could say, more like weren't careful, basically the same thing!

Come November, something happened that had never happened before (I'll spare you the details) and I KNEW I was ovulating. But I chickened out. It happened again in December and I told Steven to "Just live a little!" that night. (Now that I look back, I almost feel like it was a sign for us that the time was right, I've never been able to clearly tell when I ovulated.)

December 26th, the day my period was due, I woke up with a feeling that I needed to test. The night before, my wine tasted so gross to me! I love my wine, Steven said it tasted normal but I couldn't drink it- ew! And omg, my bathroom reeked. The smell was driving me crazy, but nobody else smelled it. I couldn't ignore my instincts to test, even though I felt crazy doing it so early with my irregular cycle. With Aiden and Rian, I waited until I was at least a week late. It was a super dark positive right away. Auuugh! Exactly 4 weeks pregnant. I was excited and scared. When Steven got home from work, I kept looking at him and he said, "Why do you keep looking at me? Are you pregnant or something?" He asked to see the test, smiled really big, then laughed.

With week 5 came nausea. Soo nauseous. I didn't have it with either pregnancy, honestly wasn't expecting it at all! But in a weird way, I like it because its kept me reassured as I waited for my first appointment which was today.

Week 6 brought a noticeable bump caused by bloat. Sadly because I have a layer of fat that wasn't there with the last two, thanks to months of not working out. (Never again will I let that happen to my body! Back to being fit after this!) I suck it in when I go anywhere and it hurts to do it!

Week 7: hunger, hunger, hunger. But nothing sounds good. Cereal is my go-to meal.i feel like I've been hungover for over two weeks.

Before I even got pregnant, I wanted to wait to announce our third baby when I had a big, huge belly. A random "Oh by the way, I'm pregnant!" But after seeing that itty bitty baby's heart beating, I got overly excited and posted today! I couldn't keep it in! One thing we're definitely holding out for is not finding out the sex. It'll be so fun and exciting in the delivery room!

I'm due September 4th, Aiden will have just started kindergarten- perfect timing! We're so, soo excited for this (more than likely) last addition to our family!

Since we're planning for it to be the last one, I'm going to enjoy every second of this pregnancy and having a newborn again!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20

Aiden went to church with my parents then to their house to spend the day. We treated Punky to lunch then spent the day hanging with our girl. Only having one kid around is so different!

My mom found some wonton wraps so we made gyoza last night. Ahhhh so good! I over ate and spent the night feeling way stuffed. Ew. But worth it. ;)

I didn't take any pictures today. Boo. So I'll post one from last January. My babies snuggled up watching Home Improvement, definitely does not feel like it was an entire year ago!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19

There were no soccer games this weekend but there were soccer pictures. Aiden's were at 9:30 and we were told to be there at 9:15. We were about to turn into the parking lot at 9:20 and I got a phone call asking if we were coming. The team was ready to go in and we were the last ones there! The one time I'm a little late! Sheesh. I'm always on time. Oh well.

Afterwards we furthered being out of hibernation and went grocery shopping. One of my least favorite things! I always feel relieved as I'm walking out of the store.

A little while later, I realized we forgot hummus (one of Rian's favorite things) and when I told her I got this this:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18

Today Aiden spelled "stop" out loud! That's all I've heard from him today. "S-t-o-p!" Our drives to and from school are him asking me how to spell everything he sees. It makes me so happy! He's so into learning right now, so awesome!

It was super nice today! Our backyard's such a disaster right now, Steven and his dad have been cutting stuff back there and the kids have junk thrown all around. Now that its not as cold we need to get it cleaned up. So many of my flowers have suffered because I haven't been motivated to go out there and water them. :( All my hard work gone to waste. It'll be pretty again though!

Aiden is so weird lately, he doesn't know how to smile on que anymore, I have so many funny pictures of him! He reminds me of Chandler when him and Monica are taking engagement pictures! Haha

Hanging with my babies:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17

Today was a million times better than the last two days!

Aiden was waiting for us to leave for school and he started putting the magnets in alphabetical order. He is so into letters lately, I love it!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16

My day started out with Aiden yelling at me from his bedroom to make breakfast, rude. Quickly followed by him throwing a huge fit because all we had in the drawer were "girl spoons."

A fit after being awake for just a few minutes = a sign of a notso fun day.

Our morning consisted of bickering and tattle-telling, the usual. Aiden gets lunch at school (I'm guessing around 1ish) but I always offer him something here at their usual 11:00 lunchtime. He wanted a ham and cheese sandwich, I told him I didn't have any and I got: "Well that's what I want." Wow... not okay with that talk. I made them a Pb&j and cut it in half, like I ALWAYS do. Oh man. The boy got upset. By this point I was yelling. He had been nothing but mean and rude all morning!

We talked, things calmed down, he ate, got cleaned up for school- all the while I was talking about him adjusting his attitude and making better choices. This is one of our main focuses lately, telling the kids that they alone are responsible for making good/bad decisions and what the outcomes will be because of those decisions.

He was happy when I pick him up from school and happily went to soccer practice with Grandpa. (Thankful he offered to take him, this cold and Aiden are kicking my booty!) He came home with French fries, Rian asked for one and he flat out refused to give her ONE. Heeeeere we go. I gave them a bath and told him to go to his room and stay there. Twenty minutes later, around 7:10, I went back there and he was sound asleep with his light on. And I started crying.

I hate getting mad at him, I hate yelling at him. I hate feeling like we're doing this all wrong. His attitude may have been the stinkiest it's ever been, but I just wanted to wake him up and tell him I'm sorry. I absolutely hate that he fell asleep sad, without a kiss and me telling him I love him.

Being a parent is so challenging, rewarding beyond words, but so soo many challenges. I love them with everything I am, even on the days where I could rip my hair out.

I pray tomorrow is a better day and Aiden wakes up with a happy heart. I also pray that he always has forgiveness in his heart for the many, many mistakes we'll make along the way.

My little boy sleeping, then and now:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15

This hasn't been the best of days. I feel what I hope is only a cold coming on and ugh these kids and their fighting. It's horrible. Awful. Seriously, I felt like I wanted to rip my ears off earlier. They have fought literally every minute of the day (except for the three hours Aiden was at school- thank God for that!) but yet, they won't stay away from each other! I don't get it!

It's now 6:30 at night and its finally calming down. Finally. :)

So so sooo looking forward to their bedtime and watching Parenthood snuggled up in my bed! Only two episodes of the season left- boo.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14

Today was FREEZING!!! I don't think it even got into the 50s- brrr!

Last week we (I) picked out our baseboards and Steven's dad spent the last few days painting them for us, then came over yesterday and him and Steven put them in the living room and down the hallway. He's so good to us!

Just looking at the choices, it's hard to envision which would look the best, but I'm extremely happy with the one I chose! The design of it gives the corners a nice angled look, so pretty! It makes a world of difference in here!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13

Aiden and I are taking a little break from church for a few weeks, trying to avoid being anywhere public as much as we can during this awful flu season! So we had a nice big family breakfast. It was nice! The four of us at the table together is so rare with Steven's schedule. When it's just Aiden, Rian and me (which it mostly is) we always sit at the table. Family dinners are what we both grew up with and they've always been important to us. Even when Aiden was a little guy and it was just me and him, we ate at the table together!

Then Steven's dad came over and they put the flooring in the kitchen area, while I hung out and watched Parenthood! (I got an amazon gift card so I ordered the first two seasons.) It makes such a huge difference, soo pretty! Every time something new is put in, it's so exciting!

It's gotten super stressful and annoying living like this, I try my best not to complain since he's so busy. But things getting done little by little has turned out to be a little fun. There's always something new and pretty to get used to. Steven started chipping away at the dining area last week before he got sick, so hopefully that gets done within the next few weeks too. Come May, I'll have lived with a disastrous kitchen for a YEAR. Then I'll definitely be complaining.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12

We woke up bright and early (and freezing!) for Aiden's second soccer game. We talked to him alllll week about it. He said he was going to play this time, I was skeptical.

The game started and there he was, running around with a smile, while I was fighting back tears with a big silly smile on my face. I felt so proud and happy in that moment. A few minutes later grandma and grandpa joined us, followed by Titi and Uncle Geoff then a surprise from Daddy in between jobs!

There's a little ball hog on Aiden's team, once the whistle blows, he already has the ball half way down the field, so it makes very repetitive and pretty boring to watch. Aiden got to kick the ball about three times- very exciting!

We had hot cocoa (coffee for me!) to warm up when we got home. Our fingers and toes were numb! Did cleaning and laundry and hung out with my mom for the rest of the day. Our Sunday movie night has slowly turned into Saturday nights. We watched Ted, pretty funny, and the kids watched Toy Story 2. A nice, mellow day. :)

Uncle Geoff, Titi J, baby Oliver and Aiden:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 11

While I was eating lunch and watching General Hospital, Rian was playing on her laptop repeating letters, sounds and words that start with that letter. It was soo cute, I watched her til she noticed and got shy.

In November, Aiden's teacher gave us a learning book to work on at home. It has flash cards to color and practice with, the kids are obsessed with them! They always want to do them. Their cousin Ryan is 2 1/2 and already knows his letters, Rebecca thinks its because of his laptop toys. So we got one for Ri for Christmas. They both love it!

Aiden's been getting better each day at letters, he's so interested in them, which makes Rian interested in them. Last month, they each knew maybe 8 letters. At dinner tonight, Rian was looking at her fork and told me, "Mommy there's a U. N. k." It says "Nuk" on her fork! Then Aiden told me the letters on his fork: g,e,r,b,e,r. So I pulled out the flash cards and what do you know... They both know every single letter!!! I was SO dang excited! Little sponge brains!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10

A pretty uneventful day, I like those. :)

After we took Aiden to school, we ran some errands then did some cuddling on the couch. Rian fell asleep about 20 minutes before we had to leave to get him, I don't like waking her up. Plus she gets grumpy!

Steven's dad offered to take Aiden to soccer practice, yes yes yes! The week before Rian was running all around, getting in the way so I wasn't exactly looking forward to it. A few minutes before he got here, the wind went craaaaazy. (Knocked a big branch off of our neighbor's tree) As soon as they drove away, I got a phone call that it was canceled. So he came back and got Rian and took them to his house to see Grandma. A nice little break for me!

Our highs this coming week are going to be in the 50s! Aiden's game is at 8am tomorrow- eek! It's going to be freezing, our wardrobes aren't prepared for this!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 9

Hallelujah! Steven's feeling better and the three of us didn't get sick. I quarantined him to the room til today, I can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight!

Today Aiden got riding on two-wheels down perfectly! He hasn't wanted to ride since the 1st, today he got on and just went, he rides and turns in big circles without needing Daddy right there to catch him and brakes like a pro. All in just a few minutes. It's amazing what a change in attitude can do! Watching him ride around made me so teary. My big boy! So very proud of him.

Steven took down a toy Rian got for her birthday, a stuffed pig that you draw on with markers. It came with little jewel stickers, they look just like stick-on earrings. He put one of her face and she loved it! By bath time, her face was covered with them.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8

It's been nearly 24 hours and so far, Steven's the only sick one. I've been praying all day that it stays that way. Waiting to get sick is scary! I really hope he feels better soon, poor guy!

Rian has been pushing me to the edge lately. Any naughty thing she can do, she does. And she'll do it more than once. Her sweet moments are so rare these days. I'm super thankful that occasionally, I still get to hold her while she's sleeping, at her very sweetest. Reminds me of the good ol' days. ;)

She had her well-check is morning. The three year one is definitely one of my favorites! No shots- short and sweet. (Giving them a break before the awful, HORRIBLE 4-year check.) She's my big girl!

The stats for the kids' last two checks:

Aiden at three: 28.5 lbs, 37 in
Age four: 32.5 lbs, 40 in

Rian at two: 29 3/4 lbs, 35.5 in
Today at three: 34.5 lbs, 39in

She's above average for height! So big compared to her big brother. It's very noticeable too. I can carry Aiden like nothing, Rian is heavy! She's very dense. But she's healthy as can be and that's the most important thing. :)

My Punky:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7- boring post!

Every night after Aiden's bedtime story, I lay in his bed and we talk for a few minutes. Last night we were talking about what we wanted for breakfast: he said strawberry waffles and I said a bagel (which we didn't have.) Around 7ish, I opened my eyes and Steven wasn't in bed with me, Rian was. I went back to sleep for another 30 minutes or so. He was at the store getting bagels and cream cheese! Se sweet. :)

Aiden had school for a couple of hours, he was so happy to go back! Him, Steven and Rian basically spent the entire day outside while I pretty much spent the entire day on the recliner with a stomach ache. Blah. [Update a few hours later: Steven is feeling horrible, looks like the flu may have hit our house. I might cry. :(]

Besides cleaning the kitchen, doing some laundry, going to the store (because for some crazy reason, our mattress sheets always ended up thinned out and shredded on Steven's side) for new sheets and contacts, I've been like this:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6

I was just thinking that I hadn't taken any pictures today, when Aiden called me back to his room.

Geoff and Jeanette got him a huge fire truck floor puzzle for birthday- he loves it! His teacher even mentioned how good he is at puzzles. For Christmas, all he talked about was getting more puzzles. We got him a few and so did my parents and Rae. Our puzzle master!

I did the one Rachel got him with him on Christmas night, it was tricky! I had to keep looking at the picture. It's all the Cars characters and they're hard to matchup. It was the one and only time he's done.

He was calling me back to his room because he had the whole middle done! (That's the hard part.) Then I watched him do the edge, he's so cute to watch while he's doing them.

(I realized my daily posts have pretty much been about all Aiden, he's a busy guy lately! He goes back to school tomorrow. Time for extra quality time with my girl.)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5

Aiden had his very first soccer game at 9am! I didn't know til we were about to get in the car that Steven was able to switch schedules with someone so he could make it! And of course, all four grandparents came.

They need 5 players to play, there were 7 at practice and 6 at the game. Aiden sat out the first quarter. When he was put in, he walked right up to the ball and just stared at it before walking back to where his was supposed to be. We were all laughing. If you know Aiden, you know he analyzes every little thing, he has to know how everything works. It was like he was inspecting the ball. The whistle blew and they were off! It was so cute! I kept giggling. A goal was made and Aiden instantly crossed his arms! (I think because he didn't get a chance to kick the ball) and it went downhill from there! The ball went out of bounds and the coach was trying to get him to throw it in, he held it up like he was about to throw it then back down. He didn't want to be in anymore so he sat out. They put him back in for the last quarter but he just walked behind everybody, pouting with his arms crossed. What a butt head! Everybody's told me stories about their kids first year of soccer, how they acted the first few games. I really hope he warms up to it and starts to enjoy himself.

We spent the rest of the day being lazy. I have a bunch of "Giuliana and Bill" episodes on my dvr but I always put them off because I know I'll just cry the whole time. I watched a few of them yesterday. I love them! They've been my new Tori and Dean for the last few years, I still love them too though! :)

Steven brought pizza and wings home for dinner and we had a movie night in. We watched the latest Batman movie and the kids watched Home Alone 3.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4

Since Aiden's been on Winter Break, I've been planning on having his friends come over to play. We ended up being busier than expected. Before I knew it, the three weeks was coming to an end and he hadn't gotten to play with them! So they came over today on the very last day of break.

Three crazy boys! Rian was outnumbered and the butt of many jokes, haha my poor baby. But she was a good sport about it. Boys are fun, noisy, but fun. Definitely way less drama and in many ways, easier than girls.

They played with every single toy, ran around like crazy outside, watched Spider-Man, ate snacks, made funny faces, did lots and lots of laughing, jumping, running and screaming, had cheeseburgers, fries, applesauce and tomatoes for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Then more outside play til it was time for them to go home.

I'm glad Aiden got to have his friends over, plus Rian had fun too. It kept my two from fighting and bothering each other all day. :)

Yelling "ice cream!":

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3

A few weeks after we signed Aiden up for soccer, I got a call saying "I see you checked the volunteer box on his sign-up sheet, his team needs a coach, would you be interested?" Ummm what?! When I checked that box, I pictured orange slices and water bottles, Coach, no way! He said at this age, they just need to learn to not touch the ball and try to make goals. But still, a picture of angry parents yelling at me as I cried flashed in my mind. I told him I'd think about it, but never called him back.

Weeks later, Steven came home and told me one of his coworkers told him practice was starting that week. I sent a email and got an automated response that there's either not a coach or there is and they're waiting to be certified. If there wasn't a coach, we'd be reimbursed. I was pretty bummed. But later that night, I got an email from a real person and they gave me the coach's name and number. She called me back a few days later and said we'd start practice January 3rd.

January 3rd finally came! Seven kids showed up and it was... interesting. It didn't seem organized at all. Practice was 45 minutes, they kicked back and forth, practiced dribbling and shooting goals. We also learned that our first game would be in two days. TWO days after ONE short practice, all the while the other teams had been practicing for weeks. Eek! The good thing is, at this age, there's no score during games. I've been trying to explain to Aiden how things will be on Saturday, I have a feeling it'll be a huge mess, probably pretty entertaining! We're not super competitive people anyway. Poor Steven is so bummed about missing his first game. He'll miss most of them because he goes straight from one job to the other on Saturdays and works til closing, but he really wanted to be at the first one.

He got his uniform last night, so cute. I can't wait to see him with all of his gear on. I'm officially a Soccer Mom! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2

For Christmas my parents got Aiden a HUGE set of Legos. He kept asking me to help him but I had no desire to. On the box it says "Ages 5 and up"- I somehow convinced him to put them away til he turned 5. Haha poor guy.

On the 1st, my Dad pulled out my old Legos while we were there and Aiden played with them the whole time, we're talking about hours! Nothing has ever held his attention for that long, it was pretty amazing. So when we got home that night, we took some of his out.

The next day, I put them in their rooms for "Quiet Time"- because nobody naps anymore these days! When I let them out, he kept bugging me to go look in his room.

On his bed was his very first creation, a house! I was so impressed. I especially love that he took a truck or boat (or whatever) piece and made it a couch, so creative!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1

I was thinking earlier about how I want to be better at blogging (I think this a lot.) Then I thought about when I was best at updating: back when I did my Project 365, a picture a day. I take pictures all day, every day. This year just started so its a perfect time to start! (A few days late.)

I was going to do the first three days in one post, but since I'm using the app, I'm going to do them separately. I can't stand how they place all of the pictures at the bottom, underneath the text. You can't put them where you want with captions, annoying! And you can't backdate from the app. I want my computer back to normal! :/

January 1st:

We had our annual Japanese dinner at my parents' house. My mom couldn't find wraps so we didn't get gyoza. :*( Of course her homemade sushi is delicious but we can have sushi whenever, at any restaurant, gyoza is once a year. Stinky!

I wrote about how on Christmas Eve, Steven took Aiden's training wheels off. On the 1st, he took off! He does soo awesome but randomly pushes his brakes and still doesn't get that he has to put his leg down to catch himself when he's not moving. He gets really grumpy about it and asks for the training wheels back on. Not happening!