Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Not a whole lot's been going on over here. Glad its finally October. We had four really nice days last week but its warm again... at least its not in the triple digits!

Since its a bit cooler, I finally decided to make the kids their teepee. Have you ever checked out prices on those things?! $100-$250. Steven picked up four poles for $10.12, drilled holes at the top and I strung them together, then hot glued an old sheet around. Perfect! Its not the most stable thing in the world but the kids love it and you can't beat that price! Eventually I'll probably get a more durable fabric around it and make it sturdier.

I used a stencil I alread had and made designs around it.

That back board's going to be a real chalkboard soon. And we took down the other one that was to the left. I like that it lets more light into the house and I can see the whole yard from inside, but while I'm outside, I can now see all the junk in the corner. Boo.

But we're slowly getting things cleaned up back there. Its actually the prettiest its ever been. We love being outside! Still have a ton of things I want to be done, patiently waiting. :)

Everything is blooming. I took this last week, since then the bougainvillea in the corner has pretty pink blooms on it and the yellow flowers on the ground have a TON more. Hopefully I can continue with this rare green thumb. :) The grass also looks better than this, I didn't water it for about a week- its nuts how fast it gets green again! I think we should plant winter seed. We spend so much time and energy in the summer trying to keep our grass nice, to only let it die in the winter. I want pretty grass all year long!

We got Aiden a big boy bike a few months ago, the kids fight over it constantly. Friday night Steven called me and said he wanted to get one for Rian.

She was so excited.

They look so big. Well, they are so big. On our first walk with her new bike, I got emotional. I've gone on so many walks around this neighborhood, all through different stages with the kids. Pregnant belly, wearing/pushing a screaming baby at all hours of the day and night, pushing a toddler with a second pregnant belly, pushing a huge double stroller, one kid on a bike the other in the stroller and now two kids on big kid bikes! Oh my. Time, you can slow down anytime you want. Just a litle, please? :\

We carved pumpkins for the first time as a family. The kids had so much fun! Rian refused to put her hand in though haha. I don't blame her!

Aiden drew the face on the right and Steven drew the one on the left.

The kids now know letters A, B, C and D. Aiden totally surprised me by writing A and C all by himself.

So proud of him!