Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 59

It was my last long day with Sean, when I have him on Fridays, it's just a half day. As he finished one of his bottles, he was holding my finger and smiling at me and making so much noise- it was so sweet. :) It makes me so excited to have our baby here! It also makes me sad that his Mommy misses out at times (she's an ultrasound tech, if I made a bunch of money, I'd work too!) He tried rolling over three times the other day, I ended up putting him in the swing til it was time for him to go, I didn't want him to do it at my house! My second week with him went much better, I know his schedule now (it varies though depending on how he naps) but I enjoyed it a lot more.

These pictures are actually from a few days ago, the kids love him!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 (13 weeks pregnant)

Thirteen weeks today! Everything I read says something different, second trimester starts at 13 weeks, starts at 13w2d or 13w3d or at 14 weeks. Confusing! So I say I'm "entering the second trimester." :)

The baby is 3 inches and weighs about an ounce. My nausea and exhaustion are totally gone. Replaced with heartburn and painful poops! My boobs have been veiny from the start, now my belly and sides are too. My skin and head are really itchy! I had to get dandruff shampoo and Steven has to put lotion on my back (both things that were done when I was pregnant with Aiden.)

We have our boy and girl name picked out, (unless something we like better comes along) now we need middle names! The boy name we have, I wanted it for Aiden but changed my mind for a certain reason, which I now think is silly. When I realized how stupidly popular Aiden is, I wished I'd named him the other name, but maybe he'll have a brother with that name!

Today I had a really weird craving, but one that's totally normal for a lot of people. Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and hash browns covered with ketchup! I don't eat ketchup on my eggs. But omg- it was SOOO good! We didn't have hash browns but thankfully we had tatter tots! I had it for lunch, I already want more!

The coloring in the second picture is weird, Rian's cute!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 57

Rian had a few books and little toys on her floor that I asked her to pick up, she is the woooorst when it comes to cleaning! Aiden complains but he'll get it done. Anyway, I left her in there and about 10 minutes later when Steven got home from work, he looked in her room and she was sleeping! She decided to sleep instead of pick the stuff up. So she went to bed early tonight giving us extra time with our little man.

We watched his and Daddy's favorite show, Top Gear. They watch it together every Tuesday night. :) One on one time is so special! And the kids are totally different people without their sibling around. Definitely something we need to do more often with Aiden, Rian gets plenty of alone time with me.

Being silly in the picture! He's been licking under his bottom lip lately and it's chapped now. That is one of the grossest things to me, when kids are chapped around their lips from licking- UGH! Disgusting. But he's still cute. He has red Chapstick on in the picture, hopefully it goes away soon!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56

This morning I had my 12 week ultrasound. I was the first appointment so I got in right away. I don't know why, but I don't remember doing this with the other two. Aiden has an ultrasound picture from when he was in his 12th week (I'm pretty sure the doctor did it, not the ultrasound tech.) I remembered being in the room before when I walked in, but other than that nothing! I don't remember them pricking my finger or having a real ultrasound.

I wish Steven could've gone but I have Sean today and kids aren't allowed anyway. When we last saw the baby 5 weeks ago, it was just a little bean shape- now its a little human! The first five minutes the baby was sleeping, she kept saying what a beautiful, perfect position s/he was in. The arms were curled up by the head. Then it opened its mouth and started going crazy! I got to watch it for 30 minutes, probably because it was moving so much she had to redo quite a few of the shots she needed. She was taking pictures of the umbilical cord and the itty bitty foot was facing us, it was so cute!

She said everything looks/is measuring normal, so hopefully the blood work says the same. It was so amazing! I could've sat there all day watching my baby. It's amazing thinking about how fast it's grown and changed. She gave me three pictures, the kids were in awe looking at them.

This last week I've felt little things and I'm wondering if its the baby! Everything I've read say some start feeling the baby in the 13th week. I'm not counting it as the first movement til I know it for sure, I can't wait!

I like how it's all stretched out in the last one! (I feel so weird calling it an "it" but it's easy than s/he him/her all the time!)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55

Today Steven and the kids were supposed to meet Oliver, but of course, they've been snotty and coughing. Never ending! But it still happened, they stopped by real quick so they could get a peek. He is so cuuuute! Aiden kept saying, "Oliver's my new cousin!" :)

We had a pretty lazy day, besides grocery shopping. I cleaned out my closet, I don't like getting rid of anything! But there are things I hadn't worn in years and I was running out of room. We went grocery shopping and there was a ham and pineapple pizza for $3.50 Steven wanted to get, so we had it for dinner. My first time ever tasting it- not horrible, but I probably wouldn't choose to have it again.

I've been eating fruit like crazy! Especially pineapple, Rian and I ate one in three days two weeks ago, then I couldn't find any anywhere til yesterday- yum! I got the last one, Steven probably thought I was crazy for how excited I was!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 54

The team that was supposed to play Aiden's team didn't show up, so they did a little scrimmage instead. Aiden got the ball, dribbled and almost made a goal! So cute. :)

We went home and spent the afternoon outside. Then I took the kids to my parents house so Steven and I could go to dinner. We went to Hunter Steakhouse. I hadn't been there since I was pregnant with Aiden, for Tim and Rebecca's rehearsal dinner, but he goes there pretty often for work dinners. It was good! We always laugh a lot and the restaurant was so quiet though!

We were going to see a movie but decided to just do some window shopping, I found some of Tori Spelling's Little Maven line! I was so excited. I got the only gender neutral thing, it's all so cute! I was bummed it ended in 24 months, but it was probably good because I would've gotten Rian a bunch of stuff! Afterwards we rented a movie. It was a nice night. :) And Rian didn't cry at all! She survived the night without me.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 53

We've been married five years today! It's gone by so fast.

Steven's mushy side is no secret at all to me! But it's also something not everybody knows about or would even expect from him. I woke up to a pretty cute little message on Facebook, especially nice since he's already at work when I wake up:

13 years ago I met the girl that forever changed my life and helped me find happiness that some could only wish for. 5 years ago today, she became my wife and between then and now she's given birth to two amazing kids that drive us wild and one more on the way and its great. Thank you for everything Rebecca, I love you!!!

Aw! :) If I've ever believed anything was "meant to be" it would be us. After meeting over 13 years ago, both of us living in a few different places, even loving other people, there's always been a force pulling us together. I believe we would've ended up together no matter what.

Of course there are times we drive each other crazy, get on each other's nerves, but neither of us would want to be bugging anybody else in the world! He's my best friend. ❤ He's been a dad for 4 1/2 years and watching him with our babies still melts my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

Our last five February 22nds and today! (The top picture on the left, isn't actually on 2/22. It was on 2/20 that year at our friends' wedding.)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 52

We've gone through 3 microwaves in a matter of months. Two used (the first one was used for many years) and a new one. The new one went out only a few months after we got it. We got tired of them constantly messing up, so we decided to become microwave free! It was (is) easy. And I have more counter space!

Well a few weeks ago Steven decided to get it fixed since it was under warranty, for the first year. What do you know, one morning I was making the kids bacon in it and it started smoking and smelled so horrible! Seriously?! It was just fixed! Since then it's done it twice more, I don't even want it on, I feel like its going to blow up the house.

Tonight Steven asked me to put his dinner in it for him as he was showering. I told him no but felt bad, so I decided to do it. At first I thought the kids were putting stuff in it from the desk, then I realized it was a brand new camera and memory card! Augh! I was so excited! I've been wanting one for awhile, ours is so horrible! We're both so bad at waiting to give gifts.

Happy (early) Anniversary to me! Yay!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 51 (12 weeks pregnant)

Today I'm 12 weeks! Already almost out of the first trimester. On Sunday the countdown to my EDD went into the 100's. Seeing numbers every morning on my app starting with a 100 is better than a 200! :)

I feel like my belly might actually look a tiny bit smaller, maybe some of the bloating has gone down? Or maybe it's all in my head! It also depends on what I'm wearing, some days it looks huge! My pants have been looser and I constantly have to pull them up- weird!

The baby is the size of a lime, around 2 inches and only half an ounce. So itty bitty!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50

Wow doesn't feel like I've been doing this for 50 days!

Today I got a good glimpse into my near future. Ten hours with a two month old, three year old and four year old. Warming milk, burping, getting spit up on and changing diapers. All the while making breakfasts and lunches, taking and picking up Aiden from school, entertaining Rian, cooking and cleaning (mostly dishes.) Oh my goodness! Good thing I have a couple of crock pot dinners on this week's menu because it was a HUGE help today (I found out about 4 o'clock starts Sean's grumpy time, hard to cook and deal with that!)

I'll definitely be prepared when our baby gets here, thats for sure! The kids will be too. They were pretty good. I was a little hesitant about the whole thing with having to take Aiden to school and all, but it's a nice break out of the house and he's a baby that likes car rides. And the three hours AJ's at school were nice and calm!

I'm so tired.

We went for a little walk today. Our stroller's in the shed and really dusty so I wore him. My back! It's been hurting a lot lately and wearing him didn't help. I wore Rian and all 25lbs of her til she was over a year old- can't believe I was able to do that! I love wearing babies though, one of my favorite baby items is my carrier! I didn't have a wrap with either kids, but I'm thinking of getting one this time. We'll see!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 49

Aiden came back today! Yay! We were all excited to see each other. :)

I had my second appointment today. We were thinking about going together since we only had Rian, but they got back sooner than we expected. Oh well though. I went to a majority of Rian's by myself, that's just what you do after the first baby!

I was called almost right away, I was in and out pretty quickly. The nurse and the doctor both had me nervous "Today we're going to see if he/we can find the heartbeat." Obviously I knew that's what would be going on today, but just the way they said it. I didn't like the "if"- it made me nervous!

He put the Doppler on my belly and I heard the heartbeat right away! So perfect. :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48

Dinner at my parents house, another night of not cooking! Yes!

Today we went grocery shopping and I finally wanted something healthy! A spinach salad with mandarin oranges, red onion and poppy seed dressing. My mom also puts dried cranberries, almonds and feta on it. Ugh I want some feta so bad! I've been eating plateful after plateful of salad.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47

Just me and Ri today! One kid is SO easy! They cause so much trouble together, one is a nice break for a few days (even though I miss Aiden so much!) But it's also solely up to me to entertain her since her brother's not around to do it. With each passing day, I'm not feeling as sad about the age gap between Rian and the baby. If I had three kids super close in age- omg! I can't imagine it being any crazier around here. I'm good with it now. :)

I did some cleaning in the morning and played some board games, we went to Target for a few things then spent the day in he backyard. It was beautiful! I wish every single day was like that. I think it got to 80 degrees, just right! Our "spring" comes and goes way too fast. We don't really have four seasons around here. My parents invited us to a new restaurant downtown, two nights of no cooking?! Yes please! It was soooo good. I had spicy sausage cheese fries- yum! Then we went for ice cream afterwards. Rian was such a good girl! And so funny. She must be loving all of this attention all to herself.

I was feeling a little... I don't know if insecure is the right word, but weird about how big my belly is already. So I started looking at pictures of past and present pregnancies of girls I know and hashtags on instagram: there are lots of bellies like mine! I also realized I was actually in my 13th week with Aiden (not 15th) when my belly popped a little. I remember posting a picture on MySpace after my second appointment and that was when I was 13w3d. Now I don't feel as abnormal! :) I knew I wasn't the only one, but still!

Rian asked if she could take pictures, she asks a lot but I usually tell her no. I thought she'd end up with a bunch of blurry shots but she actually got a few good ones! Maybe we have a little photographer on our hands.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46

I babysat this morning (Friday, I'm behind a couple of days!) and officially start on Tuesday. He'll be coming so early in the morning- waaaah. :( The kids were really good with him! Every time he made a noise Rian wanted to give him his paci.

Later that day, Aiden was picked up by Grandma and Grandpa for a camping trip, they go every President's Day weekend. Rian was supposed to go this year, but yeah right! Not unless Mommy was going. My parents stopped by to hang out for awhile then Steven got home from work and wanted to take his girls out on a date.

That was our day in a nutshell, it felt super busy and for the first time in months, I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got in bed!

I didn't take any pictures that day though, this is from the day before, my little guy. I've been feeling extra emotional lately about how fast he's growing up.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45

Ahh these hormones! Everything makes me want to cry lately. Thinking about the baby being born: tears. Aiden said he was like a mailman delivering packages while passing out his Valentine cards: tears. He was blowing bubbles outside today while I was making dinner: tears. So many tears! But happy ones of course. :)

The little girl I mentioned the other day, that I think likes Aiden, well guess what? He likes her too! My baby's first crush. :/ I was asking him questions about her and he was all giggles and smiles. He told me he thinks she's pretty! It was really cute, but he's mine! Haha. Tears of course! I'm not ready for this.

The kids loved today! All about love. ❤ They were so excited and happy to see their new books and other little goodies this morning. They gasped with excitement every time I put food in front of them. Steven and I never do Valentine's Day, but today he gave me his "go-to" gift, my favorite chocolate chocolate chip muffins. He gives them for everything!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 44 (11 weeks pregnant)

Aiden is soo excited about his party tomorrow- so cute! :) Yesterday he didn't bring his sweater home and when I asked why he didn't put it in his backpack, he told me one of the girls wanted to do it for him. I wonder if she likes him. Eek!

I actually felt like myself today! No nausea, no awful headaches, no crazy exhaustion! I made salsa, cut a pineapple Rian's been begging me to do (yum!) crafted with the kids and made cupcakes. My back really hurts though.

I have a check-up on Monday, then the Monday after is my 12 week ultrasound, they called yesterday to schedule it. I want to schedule my following check-up with the midwife. I saw her when I was 38 weeks with Rian and she was so nice! I'm not super set on seeing her the entire time, but I want to hear her thoughts on (maybe) trying to let me go to close to 42 weeks, if need be. Crazy talk right?! Even though both of my labors were induced, I still loved my birthing experiences. I just really want to know what it's like to have that "Omg it's time!" feeling. With the kids weighing what they did, it's something I go back and forth on though. I don't want to end up with a 10 pound baby! I know just because the kids were on the bigger side and I went "overdue" with both, doesn't mean this one will too. Hopefully talking to her helps me sort through things, good thing there's plenty of time!

11 weeks today!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43

Aiden has a Valentine's Day party on Thursday, his first class party! :) He picked his cards out a couple of weekends ago while we were at Joann- he picked Hot Wheels. He started signing them today, he has to do 18 so we're doing them in a couple of sittings so his hand doesn't get too tired.

So, sooo cute! (Im going to have to have him do an extra one for me to keep!)

We put little things of bubbles inside. He also picked out Disney pretzels and I'm going to make cupcakes.

I'd been thinking of buying/making his teachers something, but all I saw at stores were candy and on Pinterest, all I saw were things made of candy. There were about two or three crafts I thought were cute, but nothing super special. I decided to search it one more time this morning and found the perfect gift:

I love it!
It's a little different than what I originally saw, but it still came out really cute. I want all of the kids' teachers to know how much they're appreciated- hopefully they always have really good ones!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42

Just a typical Monday! The kids (minus Aiden's two hours at school) spent most of the day outside with Steven.

I finally got new light/outlet face plates for the kitchen. I want every room in the house to have pretty ones, Rian's room and the laundry room have the same ones. I still have to do mine and Aiden's rooms.

 I've been putting off doing the kitchen because it has SO many! But now its done! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41

Yesterday Rian cried twice because Aiden and I were going to go to church today. She cried allllll morning long as I got ready to go. This phase she's going through has things pretty nuts around here. While I was gone, Steven tagged a picture of me on facebook, I was relieved to see it wasn't of her screaming!

I ended up with another horrible headache and passed out around 7:30. Rian did too and Steven took a group shot of us, the boys were watching a movie.

It makes me laugh!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40

After AJ's soccer game, (a very cold and windy one!) I put on Monster's Inc. for the kids and they had lunch and popcorn on their tv trays. It was a lazy kind of day- just like all Saturdays, with laundry involved. We also made cupcakes!

I've been having 2-3 nausea-free days and I swear, as soon as somebody asks me how I've been feeling and I tell them "Good!"- it comes back. Augh! I'm so looking forward to it hopefully completely going away in the next few weeks.

They know I'm pregnant at Aiden's school now, his teacher said, "I guess I could've just looked down!" But then again, you can never be too sure, better to be safe than sorry! I really like his teachers, it'll be sad for him at the end of the year because he really likes them too. I hope he gets a good teacher next year, I'm so nervous for Kindergarten. We're still deciding which school to put him in, I change my mind every day! Registration will be here before we know it. I'm so not ready. :(

Steven fell asleep on the couch and snored us out of the living room. The kids and I are all snuggled up in my bed watching Ice Age. 8 o'clock and I'm soooo ready for sleep!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39

Rian and I had a really good today! We had a little lunch date then spent the next few hours til it was time to get Aiden playing, doing puzzles and taking pictures in her room. She's a tough girl to keep busy, especially with me being so tired. She apologized two separate times for not listening and while we were sitting on my bed earlier this evening, she asked for a hug then told me she loves me. :) My sweet girl's still in there! Haha.

After we picked up Aiden, we headed to Lowes to get some flowers to plant. On the way home he said, "Um Mommy, I think you and Daddy are in love." It was so cute. :) They gave him homework on Thursday and again today to do over the weekend, he asked to do it as soon as we finished dinner! He's soo into letters, numbers, everything! He has an awesome love for learning, I love it!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38

Life with Rian has been a daily battle. More like a million battles all throughout the day. At this point, I'm not even sure why "terrible twos" are even a thing. Obviously because whoever invented it had NO idea what they'd be in for a year later. Three is going to be a very tough age for us. Her attitude makes me scared for when she hits the double digits and she has those raging hormones- yikes. She talks back too. She thinks she's smarter than me, seriously!

But of course, when Steven's around, she's nothing like she is during the day. She wouldn't dare talk back to Daddy. Brat! It's so weird that she's soo attached to me, but such a naughty girl when I'm the only one here. She knows how to push my buttons!

I didn't miss alcohol at all during my other pregnancies, wasn't even a thought in my mind. This time, dealing with Rian, oh man would I love a glass of wine. Or a bottle haha! Instead, I just look forward to hearing her snore every night. That means a few hours of peace for me! At least until she gets in bed with me and is right next to me, like right next to me, practically on top of me!

Usually the kids' birthdays make me sad... I'm actually looking forward to 4 quite a bit! (Already! she just turned three, its that bad, believe me.) Age four with Aiden has of course had difficult times, but he's matured so much. My hopes are the same for my girl.

Through her sassy attitude, she still makes me laugh and I love her more than words can explain. She will continue to test me on the daily, but we'll find our way through this together, that much I know.

This girl!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37 (10 weeks pregnant)

I'm always wanting to rearrange but our house is just too small. Nothing else really works except the way we have it. I've been wondering how I'll arrange Rian's room if the baby's a girl. (The baby will be in our room for awhile, I'm talking about when the time comes to share rooms!) I'm a huge worrier, it would've bugged me my entire pregnancy! Today I was in there and duuuuh! I got an idea. She had two bookshelves in her room, one against a wall and one in her closet. I took the little one out of the closet and put the big one in it. Then I moved the dresser where the bookshelf was and her bed where the dresser was. I also moved her little play kitchen back to where it originally was.

When we first moved in here, I babysat my goddaughter Ali, the way I put the bed today is how it orginally was back then, we set it up for her to nap in. When we moved Rian to the twin bed, we automatically put it where her toddler bed had been. There's so much more play room now! I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. It was such a "DUH!" moment. Now if the baby is a girl, the crib will fit where Rian's crib used to be. It'll be a bit crammed but whatever. Our little house is just right for us. :)

Her dresser was against the wall to the left, under the shelf.
The crib would go where those pillows are.
10 weeks today! 1/4 of the way done!!!

A picture is unnecessary since I just took one last night but I snapped one anyway! I took pictures of myself while I was pregnant with Aiden and Rian, but not weekly ones. I think I'll try to do that this time since its my last baby. And also, maybe do a maternity shoot. We'll see! I can't wait to feel the baby move. I felt Aiden in my 18th week and Rian the 16th week. So a month and a half or so! Then I'll be okay with it going by slow!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36

Today was time for new tennis shoes day! Rian because she needed a bigger size and Aiden because his get worn out so quickly. Payless is always my first stop! Sadly, we didn't see anything new. JcPenny was next but no sizes we needed. Boo. We ended up at Journeys- augh expensive. They both got Chucks, Rian's pink and Aiden's black high tops. He hasn't had a pair of those since his very first pair of real shoes right after he turned one. He looks so cute! :) Before we left to the stores, as he was putting his shoes on, he told me he wasn't going to race today (the "in" thing at school right now) because he never wins. On the way home from school, I asked if his friends liked his new shoes, he said "Yes! And they made me fast when we raced!" Haha. He always thinks the shoes are what makes them win.

Rian's birthday was posted on the Pinkalicious Pinterest page! I was so excited when I saw it! I had posted it to the Facebook page awhile ago and they asked if they could pin it, but since then they'd pinned stuff so I thought they forgot. But today there it was!

The kids are becoming more and more interested in my belly and the baby. Rian always tries to look in my belly button. She asks questions like, is the baby having a bottle or sleeping. She hits it and pinches it (uh oh.) Aiden does this certain noise (he's done it since he was really little, he used to do it as he bit his blanket) when he gets excited/happy etc and he does it really close to my belly a lot. They always tell me how big it is!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35

This morning when we woke up, the four of us cuddled and laughed in our bed for awhile. We didn't get up til 8:45 to make our pancake, eggs and bacon breakfast. It's going to be so different next year when Aiden's in school all day. :(

On Mondays Steven usually takes and picks AJ up from school, since he's off. Rian wanted to go today, so that meant she wanted me to go too. When I drop him off, I always let her go down the slide. Since we didn't get out today while Steven took him in, she was so upset about not sliding. We decided to take her to the park, she's always stuck at home while Aiden's having fun at school. It was so nice today! I wish it was like this year round. I can't believe it's already time for it to get hot. :(

Afterwards we had lunch outside and then it was just about time to get Aiden. (Mondays are early out, so he only goes for 2 hours.) At home, we spent the rest of the time until dinner in the backyard. After dinner, we went on a walk. Mondays are probably my favorite day of the week!

Tomorrow Aiden's having class pictures. I teared up when I saw the form. Such a big boy. I think he'll be happy to have a picture with all of his friends here at home. They had regular school picture day before he started, but for Christmas they made the parents little wreath ornaments with their school picture in the middle. I didn't know til then that they took a school picture of Aiden on his first day! I love that ornament.

Ri at the park, Steven was somewhere behind her in that big, dark slide:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34

A pretty mellow day! We went grocery shopping with Ri then waited around at home for Aiden to get home from Grandma and Grandpa's. Before Rian had come home, they took the kids shopping to pick out a toy. They told us later that night Aiden said, "Grandpa, I just want to tell you thank you for getting me my new toy." :) While we were there to get her, Steven's dad asked us about our computer and he was able to fix it today! For now, at least it works- yay!

Steven really wanted us to go on a Jeep ride so we did, then we came home and made dinner together, since my parents were at a Super Bowl party. I love eating at their house on Sundays but since dinners here with the four of us are so rare, I always like when they happen. After we got cleaned up and in our jammies, we played a couple of board games with the kids.

We have the cheapy Costco carseats for the Jeep, they're so worn out from the sun beating down on them. The covers hardly stay on, time for new ones!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33

Today was Aiden's third soccer game, the "ball hog" wasn't there today so we actually got to watch a fun game! They are all so cute running after the ball! When the kids make goals, the first thing they do is look at their parents with the biggest smiles- I die! :) Aiden hasn't made one yet, but that's okay with us! At least he's trying his hardest and going after the ball. He got it quite a few times today and dribbled a decent way down the field...towards the wrong goal haha!

Steven's parents asked if the kids could spend the night, so they took them after the game. Rian was pretty fussy about it but I figured she'd get over it. I went home to get leftovers to take to Steven at work, he spent his lunch break at the soccer game. Then I went to Barnes and Noble to get the kids books for Valentine's Day: Emeradlicious and Where the Wild Things Are. Aiden talks about that book a lot since starting school!

Other than that, I didn't do anything all day! It was nice. I even napped. Steven and I went to dinner and there we got a call that Rian was crying for Mommy, so we picked her up afterwards. Goodness this girl is so, sooo attached to me. She cries anytime I leave the house, she cries at night because she wants to sleep with me, she cries if I don't hug her before I take a shower! It wasn't really an issue til I got pregnant, now I'm a little worried about how she'll react with somebody else taking all of my time! Eek! It's a good thing I'm going to start babysitting, hopefully she learns to be okay with it.

Every night/morning she comes in our room to see if Steven's here. if he's not, she climbs in and snuggles as close as possible to me. I let her fall asleep in our bed while I watched tv tonight.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32

February's here already! Rian and I decorated a little, we don't have much Valentine decor but its still festive in here! I want to make some more- I'll have to check Pinterest for ideas. This is the best month to make Fun Foods for the kids! I'm excited. :) Steven told me he likes that I decorate for all of the holidays- something I never imagined him saying! He's cute. :)

Every so often Rian falls asleep on the way home from taking Aiden to school, but she wakes up as soon as I put her in bed. Today I laid her on the couch and she fell right back to sleep as I made my lunch! She slept for 2 1/2 hours- I had to wake her up. I was so excited that she was actually napping and I was getting a little break, that me napping too didn't even cross my mind... til 10 minutes before it was time to leave. Ugh. I was dragging. And kicking myself for not napping. 3:00-4:30ish is the sleepiest time of day for me, I feel exhausted. Once I start cooking dinner, I feel okay again. But every single night, no matter how tired I am, it takes me forever to fall asleep. I can't get comfortable and when I finally do, I have to get up to pee! Fun stuff. ;)

Here's a picture of a few of our Valentine's day decorations and the kids having a dance party while I cooked dinner!