At this moment, I have a baby who's actually napping IN HIS CRIB! So I felt motivated to do a little update. He still only naps in my arms, so this is huge. I try laying him down, but nope, those little eyes pop right open and his nap is ruined. He's gotten a lot better at night though, he'll either nurse to sleep and stays asleep when I lay him down or I lay him down awake and he falls asleep on his own. He still wakes up twice to eat, sometimes three, but goes right back to sleep in his crib when we're done. For awhile we were cosleeping all night long because he'd cry when I put him back. Huge huge huge progress, all in the last couple of weeks!
He makes it hard to not want another one.
My babes!
He enjoys his solids, most of the time. Especially snacks, which we introduced this week. Watching him self-feed is the cutest. Let's be honest, everything he does is the cutest. :)
Life with this pretty girl has been rough, very rough. We've obviously raised her and Aiden the same, but he would never act the way she acts with me. And she only acts this way with me. Never Steven. I cringe when I hear people talk about how their kid will never be a brat. Because really, you have no idea. We're all perfect parents until we're put into those situtations. I would never have guessed that my sweet little momma's girl would turn into a testy, talkin' back, ugly fit throwin', see how far she can push me girl. Never saw it coming. Each and every day is a constant struggle with her. But we'll survive, I know we'll get through it and I hope we get back to that fun, silly relationship sooner rather than later. She's starting preschool in the fall and she really wants to take ballet (do ballet-ing, as she calls it.) I'm hoping independent time away from home and being around other kids will be a positive outlet for her.
This boy also gave us a huge surprise. He has his moments with Steven and me, but has always been well behaved for other people and at school. He decided to test his limits at school and came home with three bad behavior notes, in one week. I was so upset. Beyond upset. I cried and cried and cried and felt like a huge failure. It's so hard to find the balance between letting your kid be a kid, but also raising them to be respectful little people. Thank God he's back to himself! And came home the following week with a good behavior note. :)
My boys at seven months
We went up for Discount's annual family picnic at the beginning of the month and since Micahel and Tati live so close now, we invited them. On the drive home my mom texted me about how happy she was we all hung out, she said it did her heart good. :)
Such a fun day!
Two days later, we finally had Asher's follow up eye appointment. We left the night before because Asher does not travel well! We'd just done a there and back trip two days prior and didn't want to do it again.
Asher's first night in a hotel was a success. Probably one of the best things about him sleeping so well with me. Aiden and Rian could only sleep in their cribs for the longest time, taking them anywhere overnight was a nightmare!
I was fully convinced we'd leave the appointment and never look back. That we'd be told it was nothing, just two different shaped eyes. But we have to go back every six months and more than likely, he'll need surgery around age three or four. :( It was pretty discouraging. The good news is that he uses his eye, he doesn't prefer one side over the other. That's when it could become a problem, his lazy eyelid could prevent him from using his eye, which would cause a lazy eye and then he could lose sight in it completely. But the doctor is confident that won't happen, as long as we keep a close eye on it. No pun intended. ;)
Asher will be 8 months old on Sunday and I just can't believe we're still nursing. Amazes me! My right side is basically done. It was a pretty sad feeling, that we're really, truly doing this on one side alone now, but I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did! Now to pray and pray that my other side can continue for the next 4 months.
Wah! Getting so big, so fast.
(Ironically he's on my "bad" side in both of these pictures!)
The Thursday before Good Friday, my mom gave us the scare of a lifetime. She went in for a hysterectomy, fairly regular procedure these days. Surgery went as planned, my dad was supposed to see her an hour later. About seven hours later, he still wasn't allowed back and her pulse and blood pressure still weren't regular. She was rushed to the big O.R. (the first surgery was done in a smaller one where they do c/sections.) Steven was at work and I had the kids so I couldn't be there, but honestly I don't think my dad wanted anybody there, he's not a very emotional guy and I'm pretty sure he was scared out of his mind. He wouldn't want us to see him like that. I had absolutely no appetite, no feeling. It was two hours til I heard form him again, those two hours felt like months. One of the clamps had slipped off and she had an internal bleed. She lost over half of her body's normal amount of blood and needed a transfusion.
It was hard not to burst into tears the next day when I saw her. I'm the emotional one, the worrier. There aren't too many things scarier in this life than thinking about something happening to your Mom. The older I get, the closer we get. She's my hero, my inspiration. I'm so glad that God was there that day.
My Easter blessings.
Asher just loves his big brother and sister. When they run off to one of their rooms to play, he squeals and chases after them. It's the best. I love their age gap! Until the day he becomes the annoying little brother. :(
Sweetest little guy.
He'll jump and jump and jump!
Pulled to standing for the first time
Snacks! His first time having veggie puffs.
Since my last update (two months ago) Asher army crawls everywhere, he started just a few days after my last post, actually. For the last month, I keep thinking he's going to real crawl. He planks, gets up on all fours, rocks back and forth and even gets up on his hands and feet! He's too much.
A pretty scattered, sad little update. But I chose a few pictures from my phone and updated in the order they uploaded. I'll try to update more, but its hard! Especially when instagram so much more easily accessed. Blogging's been part of my life for twelve years! It's sad that it's just not a priority anymore, especially now when I want to remember every little thing.
These really are the best days of my life!