It's last day of July and I'm updating on time! Thanks to my baby who finally (consistently!) naps in his crib! He usually takes one in the morning and one late afternoon, but there are days he'll just take one after lunch. I can't tell you enough how much I love him napping in his crib! Sleeping through the night, still not happening.
Asher loves exploring. He's so curious and loves to check everything out!
On Independence day, he turned ten months old.
His itty bittiness makes it extra hard to believe.
This month:
-clicks his tongue and makes weird, froggy type noises with his throat
-if you say "strong" he grunts and balls his little fists, as if showing off his muscles
-imitates blowing on food and whispers back to you if you whisper to him
-waves and says "hi" (haaa)
-says "uh oh" (uh uh)
-if you nod your head, he'll nod his... as good as big bobble headed baby can. :) He does it pretty crazy, cracks me up.
-gives high fives
-currently has five teeth, his sixth is just about to cut through
Aiden has pretty much always been a tv bug and has been going to the movie theater since he was two. Rian is totally opposite and just got into a few shows this last year. She's obsesssssed with Frozen. Since AJ was gone, my mom wanted to take her to a movie, she chose Maleficent. I didn't really want to see it, but since it was her first time, I had to go! Couldn't miss that. It was such a good movie.
So excited!
Always exploring.
Loves grass, mud and rocks.
Rian was blowing bubbles and he was cracking up.
It was seriously the cutest thing I think I've ever seen. Ever.
He loves making silly faces, he knows when he's being funny.
Aiden came home! Safe and sound.
I was so excited to see him and he started crying when he saw me, because he wanted to go home with Grandma and Grandpa. :( Wah. He got over it quickly thank goodness. The kids ran around like crazy that day, so happy to be together. Didn't take them long to start fighting again though. Steven's parents told us they were told so many times about how sweet and polite Aiden is, so happy to hear that!
Asher was napping when AJ got here. When I heard him wake up, I sent Aiden in instead. I should've recorded it. Asher started laughing when he saw him and couldn't take his eyes off of him! So sweet.
My mom's bathroom is Rachel's selfie spot, had to try it out. ;)
I love peaking in on him at night.
I especially love that he has to sleep on his blanket. If I don't place him on his blankie, even when he's asleep, he gets up and finds it so he can be on it. My babies are big time blanket lovers!
The kids ask to take pictures with my phone a lot. I smiled so big when I saw this one that Rian took. Ten months breastfeeding strong.
Three love bugs.
Rian has become obsessed with all of these ridiculous headbands and bows. I don't know were half of them came from. I don't like them, but I more so don't like being a controlling mom that won't let her what she likes and feels pretty in. Being a mom means letting your kids be/find themselves, even if you don't like what they choose!
Asher is super obsessed with his big brother.
My parents got Ashie this big cow, we named him Cow Cow. He loves his Cow Cow. He lies down on it and says, "ni ni." (na na)
They drive me crazy, but I'd be nothing without them.
I'm glad he likes being in his crib now, but I do miss waking up to his sweet little face.
Rearranging my living room is one of Asher's favorite activities! He's so ready to walk, Momma's not.
Looking so grown up lately.
We went and did something for the first time without Asher.
Dating my husband has taken a big time back seat since #3 came along, we need to get back on track. Asher did so well at Grandma and Grandpa's house! He even stayed sleeping when she put him down, which was the biggest thing I was worried about. We had a fun couple of hours being Us, instead of Daddy and Mommy. And now that I know Asher's fine without me, we can do this more often.
Later that night... back to being Mommy.
Cute, even when he's being a booger butt.
Oh and this, I have about a million pictures of Asher in this thing. He sits in it, stands in it, pushes it all over the place. Such a silly baby.
Library fun!
I sent this to Steven with a text that said, "I think I can fit one more baby head in here!" haha totally kidding. We are complete.
After bath snuggles.
My biggest and my littlest.
Like any baby, Asher's bond with me is his priority. And because of breastfeeding, Steven doesn't get to help out as much as he could if we were bottle feeding, he often makes remarks like, "He doesn't like me anyways." :( But the last couple of weeks Asher has taken a big liking to being with his Daddy. It makes me so happy to see their bond finally growing stronger.
As of 7/8 Asher can drink from a straw. And if he sees a cup with a straw in it and you don't share, ooooh boy! He gets upset. He especially gets upset if you don't share green smoothies. He recognizes the blender and when it comes out, he crawls over to the cabinet where I use it. Or if he's in another room and hears the blender turn on, he comes crawling as quick as he can! Green smoothie addict.
He's always after the soccer balls in the backyard, so we got him one at the grocery store the other day. Oh my he loves it! Best $2 I ever spent.
If you ask him where it is, he looks alllll around, then points when he finds it. I love it! Then he'll crawl over to it and roll it to you.
And he loves crawling towards you as you roll it back and the ball crashing into him!
Asher's one month away from turning one and we only have three or four family pictures together. Makes me so sad. I used to take them allll the time, I need to start up again. As much as it'll annoy the four other heads that have to squish together.
Goodbye July, hello August.
Aiden will be off to first grade, turning six, Rian off to preschool and soon Asher will be one.
Holy cow.