Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Colds, Wednesdays, Chandelier, Poop.

My little loves yesterday
I'm wearing a pretty fabric bow from Peyton's Closet since Rian only wants to wear bows when she feels like it, even then she rips them out after a few minutes. Its too pretty to just hang on her holder.

I've been surrounded by snot and sniffles since Sunday [Aiden's trying to breathe in the picture.] It finally caught up to me today, everytime I get sick after the kids I wonder how they still run around with soo much energy. My throat is on fire and my head feels like a thousand pounds.

Last night when I checked on Rian before I went to sleep, she was in bed- four hours later she was in the closet.

She's got me so exhausted lately. Since we took her rail off she's getting less sleep, she wakes up around 6:30 now. I need to learn to go to bed earlier. But its just so nice to finally get time to myself to do whatever, without somebody talking my ear off and getting climbed all over with little knees and elbows digging into me. Seriously, the kids are on me every second of the day. And I swear, most of the time I love it, but there are times I just need alone time and quiet!

Like Wednesdays... oh I love Wednesdays. I swear having these few hours to myself once a week do wonders for my sanity. Sometimes when they drive away with Grandpa, its like that "Hallelujah" theme song starts playing. Haha... kidding. Or maybe not.

I found another pretty chandelier today! Its going in Rian's room, I'm thinking it'll hang down in front of her closet. Exciting!

And more exciting news- for the first time in Rian's life she's finally pooping regularly. That is HUGE in this house! Last week I bought her these fiber gummies, she eats one three times a day and they work wonders. That makes me one VERY happy Momma. :)


  1. awe love the bow :) and yah for poop! I get so stressed when P doesnt poop!
