Thursday, September 8, 2011

Strong is the new skinny

I've always wanted curves but since I obviously don't have any, I'll settle with being strong.

I started working out when Rian was one month old, I did the 30-day Challenge on Wii Active then after that started Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred. [Everybody knows I'm a JM fanataic. Also love Bob Harper <3] That dvd was such a struggle for me- it hurt, it was hard, my body shook, I could barely keep up and at the end of some workouts I was so red, I was practically purple. I'm surprised I never vomitted afterwards. I hated every single second.

I did it off and on for a year. In February I started JM's Ripped in 30, in my opinion its more difficult than the Shred. I got through it then restarted it again- this time around I finally started feeling and seeing results. It is an amazing feeling, it makes me questin why people don't exercise. Who wouldn't want to feel like that?!

A few weeks ago I decided to go back to the Shred. I couldn't believe the difference, my strength and endurance were up 100%! There's one move that seriously made me want to cry, I could barely make it- now I'm using heavier weights and can keep up.

Its not about being skinny anymore, the number on the scale doesn't matter. Its about how I feel afterwards, getting through hard workouts like those makes you realize your inner strength. Its made me love my body for everything its gone through [growing two large babies and enduring JM's beatings, for example] and everything it will go through. I may not look as toned as I'd like to, but I'm in the best shape I've ever been in.

"It's three years away, I ain't the least bit nervous,
I feel like I'ma do it real big in my thirties"
-Brother Ali

1 comment:

  1. Your post made my eyes fill will tears of pride and joy. Literally. I love you, Cochina! <3
