Monday, September 26, 2011


A recap of our days Saturday-Monday. Mondays are part of our weekend too since Steven's off. :)

Saturday morning I dressed Aiden in a plain blue shirt, when he noticed there was nothing on the front, he told me I put it on backwards. :) We went to Target and between sales and coupons- I saved $10! I've never saved that much there, its a place I spend way too much money so it made me happy.

Aiden was being a huge brat! I put his milk in a bottle and told him I was going to put a diaper on him. He got out of that little funk real quick after that. I remember my parents doing this to my brother when I was little.

Laughing at Momma.
Rian points up and says "Up" all the time. I started doing it too and saying "Down!" and moving my hand down really fast, she thought it was hilarious. She does it all the time now and cracks up.

Our little city has an exchange page on facebook, like craigslist.  Saturday my mom put the baby stuff at her house on it and I cried a little- stupid, I know. I know we won't have anymore kids but when something like that, something so final, happens- it makes me really sad. [She got a buyer for the high chair, they were supposed to meet yesterday at Walmart and the girl never showed. My mom had decided she was just going to give it to her. Sucks for that girl!]

Sunday morning my mom picked up the kids, Steven and I went to lunch than ran some errands and went grocery shopping. We didn't even have kids and didn't realize we were driving around town, jamming out to Imagination Movers til we were almost home.

We look funny.

He tried on some of those disgusting toe shoes, it was hilarious!

Afterwards, I met my mother-in-law at Joann and we picked out fabrics for Aiden's quilt- it was harder than I thought! Then Steven and I met my parents and everybody at Brewer's for dinner. Yum! I feel like such a fatty lately, since its been cooler we've been going out in the mornings and I'm missing my workouts, plus Rian wakes up so early now- I'm just tired. I need to get back into a routine. Those are just excuses, shame on me. :\ 

I was getting up to go to the kitchen and Aiden said, "Momma I love you! I want a hug" so I bent down and we were hugging. He said "Did you miss me when I was gone? I want a kiss!" I always talk about what a butthead he is, but he can also be such a little sweetie. Love my baby. Once the kids were down, Steven and I hopped in bed and watched Bridesmaids [Sunday night movies are our thing- we still need a new dvd player for the living room] I was hoping it'd be funny the second time around, and omg it was! The first time we were all laughing so hard [and by we, I mean the entire packed theater] that I missed a few things. I'm so glad I ended up buying it, its ridculous.

This morning we went on a Jeep ride.
Rian is being such a diva today, she refuses to wear Luvs and is only letting me put Huggies on her. High maintenance!

I've had these old things since high school.

The beautiful desert. Ha.

Random bone.

I've been seeing so many cute family pictures on Pinterest lately. I need to get my butt in gear and get something scheduled. We haven't done any since Aiden was 6 months old. Such a procrastinator.

And now- kids are still napping so I'm going to watch Dirty Soap- has two of my favorite girls from General Hospital on it, hopefully I still like them after this!

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