Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Its a Top Ramen kind of day [with egg and Sriracha]... always reminds me of being little. :)

I had a few things I wanted to get done today but woke up with the start of a cold and the worst kinked neck I've ever had- I guess things hurt more the older you get, this pain sucks! Boo to no 'Parenthood' for a whole month. Lame.

Its just an all around perfect day for comfort food, my Grandma Sue's mac & cheese for dinner tonight.


  1. eww...egg on top of ramen noodles?!

  2. Haha. I beat the egg and put it in when the noodles are just about done. I've yet to meet anybody who does it but Steven's friend Philip, who is Korean. Must be an asian thing. ;)
