Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 87

I was a little grumpy this morning, because of other people's actions. I shouldn't let it bother me because it doesn't directly effect me, but in a small way it does... if that makes sense.

Then the mail lady rang the doorbell and cheered me up some! I was expecting one thing, I was surprised when I saw her with a stack.

Seriously, what is it about getting packages?! So exciting.

Since I picked AJ up from school, he's been chanting "Spring break! Spring break! Spring break!" haha! He has no idea what's going on, but its still funny.

Of course, as soon as we got home, he wanted to do his homework.

I was expecting to have Sean tomorrow, but he's not coming! Super excited to have a day with just my two littles.


  1. I cannot explain how happy mail makes me! Whatcha get? Aiden is so cute!

    1. Dresses, a package for the kids from my aunt and uncle, Pinkalicious books! And I'll text you. :)

  2. & naturally I want to know what made you grumpy!

  3. I know what's in the top and bottom but what's in the middle?? I'm nosey too :)

    1. An Easter package from Aunt Kathy, of course! :)
