Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 155 (DIY behavior chart)

The last few days since AJ's started summer vacation have been nuts around here. I didn't realize how much those three hours with him at preschool did for all of us. I feel bad for them being cooped up inside all day, we can't even go to the store just to get out of the house with me babysitting. So I completely understand their craziness, but it's already wearing me down and we're only in beginning of the second week! Their fighting has been horrible.

So today I went on Pinterest and found an easy DIY behavior chart. It seemed a little complicated at first, but it's days later as I'm backdating this (of course) and we all have it down, even Rian!

Good Job
5 minutes
10 minutes
Lose Privilege
I made mine with card stock I have for scrapbooking (or you can use poster board, etc.) You will also need clothespins with names written, pom poms, or something similar to that, and jars. Or cups. Whatever! 
How it works:
- Every morning both clips start out on Good Job.
- Each good action moves the clip up, bad actions/behavior move it down. Obviously you as the parent are the only one that can decide on how/why you move your clips up or down. Every kid and their issues are different.
- If you're on Good Job, Super or Awesome and you're naughty you go straight to Oops. If you're on Super and you do something wrong, it's not a Good Job, so you can't go there!
- If you purposely hurt somebody, your clip goes directly to 10 minutes, and spend quiet time in your room for 10 minutes.
- If you get up to Awesome, you get a pom pom for your jar.
- The Lose Privilege space, again, is obviously something the parent chooses depending on the child. Lose tv time, outside time, puzzles, etc. If you hit that box before 3pm you lose it for that day, if you hit it after, you lose it the next day.
- If the child is on either green or blue at bedtime, they get to put 5 pom poms in their jar. (I got a bag of different sizes, so I based how many they can get on which size they chose.)
- When their jar is full of pom poms, they get a special treat (picked prior to starting.) I was thinking something special, but they both chose getting a lollipop. Fine with me! Starting out with small hopes. :)
Current update, since I'm writing this a few days after starting:
For now, Steven and I are the ones moving the clips. I feel like it shows them that we're the ones in charge and we have the power to decide when/why it gets moved. But once they get really used to it, they're going to have to move them on their own. (In the blog I got it from, she has a consequence for refusing to move your clip, that'll be added into our rules when we start that part.) It's already horrible for them to just get on Oops, so I know it'll be extra painful when they have to move it down themselves. Rian hasn't gone any further than Oops and Aiden's gotten down to Warning once. I'm shocked at how well they're doing! I love that it's working! Wish I would've done something like this sooner.
Source: DIY behavior chart

1 comment:

  1. Lollipops! Haha I giggled! When my kids at work choose not change their light and I have to do it for them- it gets moved twice! Love behavior charts! Good job momma!
