Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 211

I was awake this morning, but not out of bed yet. Rian was up and about. I heard something fall, followed by crying...
I laughed when I saw her. Poor girl.
Today I sanitized my pump parts and bottles. I want to stencil a few more onesies and finish one of the swaddles I started a few months ago. Steven still needs to lower the straps on the car seat and we need to buy a swing, then we're about done. Oh and I need to pack for the hospital! I'll probably do that in a couple more weeks. I also need to fill out paperwork at the pediatrician (I'll do that at AJ's well check next month) and after that, preregister at the hospital. I love checking things off of my check list!
We also pumped up my yoga ball. I bounced on it at the very end of both of my pregnancies, but we blew it up early this time to see if sitting on it will relieve some of the pressure I've been having. It's helping some, thank God! I really feel like I'm on my last week, so close to giving birth, but I know I'm not. I hope it doesn't make these last 5-6 weeks feel extra long.

1 comment:

  1. It's getting soooo close! You can borrow the swing- if you want.

    And I love that picture of Rian- her little face :(
