Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 231

Baby check today! I had my hopes set on getting checked. I know it doesn't matter whether I'm dilated or not, I just want to know! After waiting for about 30 minutes, I got called to the desk and they told me my midwife had just left to go check somebody. They said I could wait, but they didn't know how long it'd be, or I could reschedule. I told them today's my husband's only day off and I really didn't want to bring my crazy three-year-old on another day. I asked if they could call me when she got back, instead they had me go back about an hour and a half later.

Twenty minutes of waiting, I got called up again, now she was delivering! I told them to just reschedule for next week, then she told me she could try to get me into see somebody else. Fine. Whatever! I got called back quick after that, then more waiting for the doctor, who I saw for 2 minutes! Oh well.

The only time she had open for me next week is on Tuesday at 1pm and she double booked me and somebody else, so she said I'm going to be waiting awhile. Great! Which means I need to get somebody to pick up AJ from school, just in case I'm not done on time, and take Rian with me. That'll be an interesting appointment.

I felt like my entire day was spent waiting at the doctor's office.

We went to dinner with my parents that night, we got home in time for baths and to get the kids in bed by 8pm.

Aiden's always ready for bed since starting school!

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