Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 253

Yesterday the doctor told me I need to put Asher in as much sunlight as possible. We have to go back for a weight and color check again tomorrow. She said he looks okay, but a little yellow, so we're not totally in the clear. Makes me nervous thinking about my baby being sick. :\

But he sure looks cute sun bathing!

AJ: "He's like a plant!"
(Somebody is always all up in his face, we're so obsessed!)
His size one diaper is giant on him! Aiden and Rian only used the newborn packs we got from the hospital, then moved to size ones with no problem. I'm going to get another pack of newborns for my little peanut!

1 comment:

  1. Ryan and Jake were in newborn diapers for 2 months. Asher is so tiny!! He little legs!
