Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 277

Today Asher's one month old! It's been a crazy, but amazing, and super fast month. Filled with so much love! Things are falling into place, even though sometimes I still feel like I need more hours in the day. My messy house can wait though, I'll never get this time back... or have another newborn to love on. :(

One month!
-9lbs 8oz, 21 3/4in
(Just a tiny bit bigger than AJ was at birth!)
-Newborn onesies are getting tight
-size 1 diapers
-starting to smile and coo
(my heart melts!)
We've been going to the same office for over five years, since AJ was born, and I saw one of the doctor's for the first time today. She did both of the boys' circumcisions, but we've never seen her for a well-check. I loved her! I'm going to request her from now on.
She asked how things were going and if I had any concerns and I brought up his eyelid, she said she noticed it when she first walked in, but maybe he was just made that way. She did a test and said the light was reflecting unevenly in his eyes, so she was going to have us see a pediatric eye specialist. He comes from out of town, she had somebody call and he wasn't going to be here til November 18- ugh. She asked if they wanted us to go there instead and as it turned out, he was coming Monday to do a surgery and could squeeze us in afterwards. Phew! I'm not too worried about it, because from the sounds of it, if there's anything wrong, it's nothing too serious. We'll see. The biggest thing that worries me is the possibility of him having to have surgery.

He has been smiling sooo much today!
I haven't fully captured it though, at least a good picture.

I got one, but it's blurry!

My boys at one month!

1 comment:

  1. He's so perfect! I forgot about little bicep flexing with fists ❤️❤️
