Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 315

I had five Cabbage Patch Kids growing up, I loved those dolls! I was so excited to buy one for Rian when she turned one. It was a "surprise" gender, you didn't know what it was until you opened it. Her's turned out to be a girl. She played with that baby and her other dolls off and on, but all of sudden, almost three years later, she's finally so into her CPK! I love it.

She named her Allison and she changes her clothes in the morning and at night into her jammies.

She even nurses her. :)
And has me hold her so she can go in her room and pump. lol!
They're together all.the.time.
Although, I don't really love when she wakes up crying in the middle of the night when she can't find Allison. Sleep is so precious these days!

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