Monday, June 16, 2014

8+ Months

I've been meaning to update about Asher's eighth month and since he's 9 1/2 months I figured I better get to it!

So much happened this month, probably his biggest one yet, besides at the very beginning when they practically change hourly.

This month he started and/or perfected:

-Pulling up

-Cruising along furniture
-Plopping down on his butt after pulling up (this took him awhile! He'd just stare at me and whine til I put him back down.)

-Real crawling, he's been able to do it for months, he just preferred army crawling because he was soo dang fast. But one day he decided to only do hands/knees and he hasn't looked back since!

-Totally loving solids! Except when he's teething or sick

-He understands "up!" When he hears it, he'll stop whatever he's doing and crawl over to you, once you reach out your hands, he puts his hands in yours and pulls himself up.
-Clapping! What's cuter than a baby clapping?!
-We're working on "hi" and waving right now.
-Also "kissy!" he sometimes will cooperate and offer a smooch.

This stage is SO fun!

Nursing has become... interesting.

He's constantly climbing on me!

He's still not a great sleeper. Not even close to sleeping through the night. If he doesn't fall asleep for his nap nursing and I know he's tired, I put him in the Ergo and he's out in minutes. He even knows it's naptime when I start putting it on!

As soon as he's in, he starts singing "Ahhhhhh" til he falls asleep. Everything he does is the cutest. Everything!

He's taken four naps in his crib in all of his 9 1/2 months of life.

Never for more than an hour, but a little progress is still progress!

He's still a pretty quiet little guy, but his new thing while we're eating:

screaming at the very top of his lungs!
I have four teeth!
He's been drinking a little water out of his sippy for awhile now, yesterday I put in some breast milk and he gulped it right down. Pro.

Yesterday he also decided to do more big guy things and walk around the kitchen pushing a stool. Just stop, baby. Stay itty bitty!
Getting into things while I cook is his favorite activity!
(Two years ago when I painted the cabinets, I was sure we were done having kids, so I took off the safety locks. Who knew there'd be another baby?!)

He is the sweetest little soul. I can't believe I ever thought our family was complete without him. He has brought so much joy and love to the four of us.
We love you so much, Asher Jeffery!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, how I love this baby boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
