So of course, I'm pinning.
I want to build something like this for the patio. All it is is a metal frame, a chain and twinkle lights. Easy and pretty!
I want a bird bath for the backyard. Probably something more traditional but I don't know, this DIY one is pretty cute!
Peacock earrings. <3 Maybe I can use the ones from Rian's Halloween costume and make my own... if I can wait that long.
This is a must-do!
Make a bench out of Aiden's crib. <3
Okay okay, I could go on and on about all the things I love on Pinterest. Its addicting.
We have a swamp cooler out back and this time of year, we turn it on at night and it brings the outside air in. It makes it so cold in here, it was 68 degrees when I woke up! Love wearing slippers and hoodies. It also keeps the house cool all day so we don't have to use the a/c. We went on a walk this morning, pushing the double stroller is such a pain. I can't wait til Aiden grows a couple more inches and can keep up with me on his bike. It likes to go to the left instead of straight so I have to maneuver it the whole time, I always thought it was just mine [it was used] but somebody told me they were reading reviews and a lot of people said theirs did it too. At least my arms get a good workout!
Aiden's always put his hand in Steven's handprint, it finally fits.
Think I'll go outside and read.
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