Friday, October 28, 2011

My favorite thing in the world...

when my baby falls asleep in my arms.
[I love how she always sleeps with her mouth open and her big teeth showing :)]

She didn't nap today, she just played the whole time. I went in there a couple of times and told her to lay down, then dozed off for about 20 minutes [I had a bad headache.] When I woke up she was still banging around in there so I let her out. Her room was a mess! She rearranged all the picture frames, dumped all her rubber bands out, put all her bows in a bucket, took the lace out from under the mattress and broke the handle of this wicker carriage thing that holds all her babydolls. When I opened the door and saw everything, she was soo cute- her eyes lit up, she smiled and said, "Hi Mommy!" I thought she'd be grumpy as the day went on but she was fine.

She gets messier with age!

I gave them their night-time milk around 6:50 and I knew she'd fall asleep so I had her sit with me and she passed out before she finished. I held her for about an hour, I loved every second. Just today I was thinking how weird it was that when Aiden was her age, I also had a 6 month old. She's still so babyish to me but she's almost two! Aiden became a 'big kid' in my eyes so quickstyle. Sometimes I feel really bad about that.

I'm trying so hard not to get baby fever. Its really hard to ignore it with the kids getting so big. I didn't think I'd ever want another one but its slooowly making its way into brain [but mostly my heart.] I know we just can't. I think that's the hardest part for me.

 Too bad we're not rich.
Maybe I should start playing the lottery...? :)

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