Friday, October 28, 2011

Bye bye blonde

Its the same color I always use but it looks so dark!
[Didn't take me long to go back to my old ways, last time I got my hair done I told myself "No more cutting your own hair and using box dye" ha!]

My glasses are so old and ghetto. I got them a couple of months before I had Aiden. There's bite marks in them, cracks in one of the lenses and one of the ear pieces is held on by super glue! I need to get new ones so bad but til lately, I didn't wear them a whole lot so I never thought about it. I don't know if its the brand of contacts I was last prescribed or if my eyes are just getting old, but I have to take them out all the time now. I used to be able to wear the same pair for a few months til I noticed they needed to be changed, now they bother me after just two weeks. Boo. Stupid old eyeballs.

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