Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I know I talk about 'Parenthood' like a million times a week but seriously, its SO good. I just finished and ugh. I get teary every episode but I was crying practically the last 30 minutes tonight, too much! I'm always so bummed when its over. And even more bummed because its not on next week. And even more bummed because tonight was the premiere of 'Tori and Dean' and we don't have Oxygen- waaaah! :( I love that show.

The kids had been doing so well with the tree til today. They kept pulling off ornaments and they ripped up this one I made when I was little. Rian broke two candy canes, which I don't get because she doesn't even like them.

This was one of my favorite meals my Mom used to make. Italian [turkey] sausage sandwiches. When I moved out, I made them all the time. Good thing Steven liked[s] them as much as I do!

Rian cracks me up, she loves everything I wouldn't ordinarily think kids would [well, Aiden anyway.] Like blue cheese, feta.. etc.- things with strong tastes. My salad had feta on it and she was so excited when she saw it, so I gave her some and Aiden wanted some too. I made him open his mouth instead of handing it to him [because he'd smell it and refuse it] and he chewed it then made a disgusted face. Then he said "Feet cheese!" haha. He got that from my Mom. It made me laugh so hard because he knew the distinct taste and knew he'd heard it before from Nana.

The last few hours of the day were CRAZY. The kids were sooo naughty, seems to be the pattern lately. Usually after baths we give them strawberry or chocolate milk and a snack. Since they were being buttheads, they didn't get a snack and had regular milk. When Steven brought out a fudgesicle, all hell broke loose:


Earlier in the day I almost felt bad for deciding not to buy them Christmas presents, this is the first year Aiden's excited and understanding everything. But by the end of the day, I was back to knowing I made the right decision. I'm on a mission to go through everything to make another huge pile of stuff for Goodwill. We have too much crap! What's crazy is that I'm still excited to buy Rian a few birthday presents and them a few things from Santa. Maybe we just need to organize, get rid of the toys that are too "young" for them? I don't know. We'll see...

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