Thursday, November 10, 2011

Whine, whine... wine? Yes please.

I just realized I didn't publish my post from last night. Duh.

Today has been so blah. I love that its cool now but I'm soo dried out! I'm going to be a raisin by the time it warms back up. The kids aren't listening to me at all today. I have to get on them about stuff every day, doesn't every Mom? But then there are days that they are nonstop. I can ask nicely, say, "Stop" "Quit" "Don't do that" -whatever it is- a million times, raise my voice, YELL, and they still ignore me. I need to tape record my voice so I don't have to repeat myself constantly.

Its 4:30 and I'm ready for them to go to bed! I'm guessing since they're 100% back to health, they have to make up for the past few days they were recovering and sleepy. They've been full of energy since they woke up. They've already had baths because we were outside and Aiden turned on the hose, after I already told him to stay away from that part of the yard 500 times, so they got all wet and muddy and cold.

I was so excited for a new recipe tonight til I was taking the crockpot down and the lid fell on my head then shattered all over the floor. Omg it hurt so bad! At first I was scared to touch it because I thought it split my head open. No blood thankfully but I have a nice little bump- good thing for my bangs! I'm so clumsy. There goes dinner because everything else is frozen, except the other new recipe I was going to try which also needed the crockpot.

And Pinterest is being a butthole today! How sad when I include that into part of my bad day haha.

Blah blah blah.
Just another day in paradise.

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