Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Be better.

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, never have been. But this year [and every year after this] I want to just be better, in general. There's always room for improvement.

For starters, I recently got rid of a few people that were nothing but drama and negativity, I don't have the time or patience to deal with it anymore. "I'm getting older and I'm knowing better."

Since I already decluttered my life of the unneccessaries, next I need to do that to my home. I'm a pack rat, big time! I need to find the strength to get rid of some of the kids' clothes, yes, its that hard for me. Clothes are over taking our house!

I want to read more books, watch less tv. Spend more time outside. Eat better and get my motivation back to working out, which in turn will make me feel better. I want to be a better wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. I want to stop dwelling on petty stuff. I want to stop worrying about the future and just be in the now. I want to smile more. Think more positive, be more positive.

I just want to be better, as a whole, for me and the three most important people in my life.

So while my head feels like its about to explode, my nose has been dripping nonstop and is soo red and sore from being wiped, I feel 100% happy in this moment... with those two crazy pieces of me running around screaming and my handsome husband getting ready for another routine day where he works so hard to provide for us.

L.O.V.E. L.I.F.E.


  1. It makes me SO glad to be surrounded by people like you, who strive toward similar life goals. <3 When I read this, I felt like it was my words; always working toward self improvement. I also hope your cold goes away! You've been sick for too long! :/

    Stay positive, stay happy and yes, L.O.V.E L.I.F.E! <--motto of our lives- has gotten me through SO much.

    You are beautiful, homegirl.

  2. um...can i call dibs on rian's clothes? seriously.

    1. I wish we lived closer! I'm all about people borrowing the kids clothes, its parting with them indefinitely that I can't do!
