Sunday, January 15, 2012

Shoe obsession continued.

This weekend's been rough, Aiden's been nonstop whining and crying. He was at it all day yesterday til Rian went to bed [they're such different people when they're seperated] and it started right back up the second he woke up this morning. UGH. We're on our third cold, seriously cold upon cold upon cold, without time to recoop in between, so I'm hoping that's a part of the problem. Maybe he's just not feeling like himself.

To reward myself for putting up with it, I bought a pair of shoes this morning. :) They were only $15! I've been drooling over this picture on Pinterest for weeks:

This is what I found:

Not a color I'd typically go for, I'd prefer black, but I couldn't pass them up! I know I would've regretted it if I didn't get them.

The color's growing on me but I'm still wondering if I should look into trying to dye them... we'll see. They're so pretty and I never get to wear heels anymore, I'm totally breaking my "No shoes in the house" rule today!

* Does anyone know if its normal for feet to shrink as you get older? I used to be a 7 but lately have been buying 6 1/2. They only had these in 7 and are a bit too big. Weird!

1 comment:

  1. Get some shoe dye!! I have heard of your feet shrinking!
