Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 8

What are 5 passions you have?
[I feel like this question can be taken in many different directions, so here's where I took it.]

1. Loving my husband and making him feel #1. One day the kids will be grown and gone and it'll just be us. Our relationship is the most important one in my life. We definitely need to have more us time, its hard to find time these days. I want to show the kids the best example of love between spouses.

2. Raising our kids the best we possibly can. This is a tough, scary world and my biggest hope is that I have two kids that grow up to be respectible, responsible, caring, loving adults. I want them to always realize how blessed they are. When they're a little older and can really understand, its a goal of mine to have them involved in helping others who aren't as blessed.

3. Also, to be the best role model I can. Teach the kids with my own actions.

4. Having a close family. I want the kids to know we're always here for them, I hope they're always there for each other too. Our hearts are open to them, we are and will always be there to catch them.

5. Being a good friend. I may not have a lot of them, but the ones I do have, I love with all my heart. They should know they can come to me with anything [at least I hope they know!]

These things are getting hard! Most of my passions are about parenting/the kids so they all tie in together. I feel like if I had a job I loved, it would definitely be on this list. More and more as I do these, its making me realize its time to go back to school.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca! You are a great wife, and an amazing mom, and the best friend I could ever ask for :)
