Friday, March 16, 2012


Taking a break from the '30 days of me' to do an update. We've been spending lots of time outside- its been so nice. Love it!

Aiden's little mind blows me away every single day! Last Tuesday I decided to buy him a new [safer] carseat. They didn't have it at the Walmart by our house so we drove out to the foothills, the street we were driving on has a lot of RV dealerships. He pointed to one and said "Look Mommy, RV Peddler!" He recognized the sign from tv! On the way back home, there was a billboard for the Air Show, I pointed to it and told him to look at the airplanes. He said "They have that sign on the refrigerator at Walmart." We didn't pass by the grocery section at the Walmart we were just at, no, he remembered it from our previous trip the week before when they were putting the signs up!

I'd forgotten about this til my mom reminded me the other day... a few months ago we were at her house and Aiden started talking about running around with balloons, them floating up to the fan and Uncle Michael climbing on the ladder to get them down. The thing that's CRAZY about this is: That happened at his second birthday party... way over a year ago. It hadn't even been talked about, yet he randomly brings it up sooooo long after. It was also the one and only time he's been around my brother that he's been old enough to know who he is... if that makes sense. They moved when Aiden was 6 months old, came to visit around the time he turned two and he hasn't seen him since. How does he remember that?! If I brought it up to Michael, he'd probably have no memory of it what-so-ever. Then yesterday I was watching this show GCB [I think its called] when he came out from his nap, he said "You were watching that the other day, the day we got my new carseat." What the heck?! He was absolutly right, I'd watched it earlier that same day. He's probably not much smarter than other kids his age but he shocks me more and more! The other day Grandpa took the kids to the park and Aiden came home telling me about all the fun he had with "the boy in the blue shirt." Yesterday he told me to take him to his friend with the blue shirt's house. He was so upset that I couldn't, he didn't understand. I felt bad but it was so cute.

Putting air in his tires, like Daddy.

Rian's as pretty and bratty as ever! Peeing on the potty like a pro and even sleeping in undies at night! But pooping... oh boy. She's only pooped on the potty three times. UGH! Pooping took Aiden a little longer too, but only about two weeks. We're over a month into it, its especially hard because she's so irregular. We'll get there... one day. She's been so stubborn and naughty lately! Definitely in the "No!" phase. She's jealous and wants everybody focused only on her. She loves making us laugh. The last few nights she's been waking up screaming, acting like she's scared of stuff in her room. It makes me sad. :( She must be having bad dreams. Yesterday she saw a boy on tv jump off of something and she kept saying "Mommy! He dwompt! He dwompt" haha it made me laugh, I love how she talks. Her little lisp is the cuuuuutest.

My little weirdo, eating raw onions.

Tomorrow will be one year since Steven's motorcycle accident [another scariest moment of my life.] And this week his case was finally settled. For sure we were planning to pay off a few things, then save the rest. Steven's dad brought up thinking about using it as a down payment on a house- I never would've thought to do it, we both just figured we'd live here for a very long time. So its offical- we're going to start house hunting! I know its going to be a long, drawn out process but I'm just so excited its actually happening! I like older houses, they have so much more character and most neighborhoods have all different houses as opposed to newer ones that all look the same. But he wants something newer and most of the newer neighborhoods around here are the better ones. We also have to consider school districts and things like that. Auuugh! I'm so excited. So is he, even though he's acting like its not a big deal to him. He started looking at houses online before I did and has even driven to look at two "because they were close to work." :)

A few months ago we decided to start trying for another baby. Then last month, we really tried, figured out ovulating days and everything but no success. I was bummed and we decided to not try again for the new few months because we don't really want another kid with a birthday around Christmas. The reason I'm writing this is beacause it really goes to show how our plans can differ so much from God's. Had I ended up pregnant, all the money would be going towards the baby and we wouldn't be planning to buy a house. Its the perfect time to do it... another baby can wait! Another thing, we change our minds about it so much. At this very second I could tell you that I don't want another one because the kids have been driving me insane the last few days and I don't want to add to the craziness. And tomorrow I might tell you, yes I do want another one. I think down the road, we will have another one... just not anytime soon like I had thought a few weeks ago.

Life is good!

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