Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 30 (9 weeks pregnant)

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant! The baby is the size of a grape, but I look like I'm way more than 9 weeks, thanks to bloating! I've forgotten all the fun things that happen during pregnancy, like gas. Even when I don't eat food that typically gives me gas. I'm gassy all. the. time. Toot, toot, toot. Haha gross. And gagging every single time I brush my teeth. What's up with that?! I hate gagging, now I dread brushing my teeth. The extremely sore boobs, especially first thing in the morning- OW! Pimples here and there between my shoulder blades, bacne- EWWW! But I'm growing a baby, whatever.

Down below is me at 15 weeks with Aiden, 12 weeks with Rian and now 9 weeks with Baby 3. It's funny that the picture with Aiden, I heard I couldn't be that big already, "She probably ate a big meal and is pushing it out." Not!

It's crazy how the body works. I've started showing earlier each time, it remembers, they say. They say that with labor too. Rian's labor was a million times easier than Aiden's, hopefully the same goes again!

1 comment:

  1. Love your baby belly :)

    I ALWAYS had gas with Ryan! ahahahha.. and I gagged a lot too. My pregnancy with Jakey was a breeeeze! I want another new baby :) Stop posting belly pictures!!
