Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5

Aiden had his very first soccer game at 9am! I didn't know til we were about to get in the car that Steven was able to switch schedules with someone so he could make it! And of course, all four grandparents came.

They need 5 players to play, there were 7 at practice and 6 at the game. Aiden sat out the first quarter. When he was put in, he walked right up to the ball and just stared at it before walking back to where his was supposed to be. We were all laughing. If you know Aiden, you know he analyzes every little thing, he has to know how everything works. It was like he was inspecting the ball. The whistle blew and they were off! It was so cute! I kept giggling. A goal was made and Aiden instantly crossed his arms! (I think because he didn't get a chance to kick the ball) and it went downhill from there! The ball went out of bounds and the coach was trying to get him to throw it in, he held it up like he was about to throw it then back down. He didn't want to be in anymore so he sat out. They put him back in for the last quarter but he just walked behind everybody, pouting with his arms crossed. What a butt head! Everybody's told me stories about their kids first year of soccer, how they acted the first few games. I really hope he warms up to it and starts to enjoy himself.

We spent the rest of the day being lazy. I have a bunch of "Giuliana and Bill" episodes on my dvr but I always put them off because I know I'll just cry the whole time. I watched a few of them yesterday. I love them! They've been my new Tori and Dean for the last few years, I still love them too though! :)

Steven brought pizza and wings home for dinner and we had a movie night in. We watched the latest Batman movie and the kids watched Home Alone 3.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun even though Aiden didn't have too much fun. I wish i could have been there!

    I miss Giulianna and Bill and Tori and Dean! They need to update Netflix!
