Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46

I babysat this morning (Friday, I'm behind a couple of days!) and officially start on Tuesday. He'll be coming so early in the morning- waaaah. :( The kids were really good with him! Every time he made a noise Rian wanted to give him his paci.

Later that day, Aiden was picked up by Grandma and Grandpa for a camping trip, they go every President's Day weekend. Rian was supposed to go this year, but yeah right! Not unless Mommy was going. My parents stopped by to hang out for awhile then Steven got home from work and wanted to take his girls out on a date.

That was our day in a nutshell, it felt super busy and for the first time in months, I was able to fall asleep as soon as I got in bed!

I didn't take any pictures that day though, this is from the day before, my little guy. I've been feeling extra emotional lately about how fast he's growing up.

1 comment:

  1. He is growing up way too fast! =( I hope he's having fun camping!
