Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93 (18 weeks pregnant)

It was definitely different getting ready, heading to the doctor's office and waiting for this ultrasound. Every second didn't feel like a minute. I didn't feel like I was about to burst with anticipation. But I was still excited to see the baby! It was especially nice not having to deal with all of those feelings and hold in an insane amount of pee. :)

She walked in and said after she got her measurements, she'd be able to tell us the sex. I instantly shook my head no, said we don't want to know and she started laughing, apparently Steven was shaking his head just as fast. We didn't really see a whole lot of the baby, just at the very beginning and end, mainly body parts here and there.

She counted all of the fingers and toes, don't remember that with the other two. S/he was trying to suck its thumb- cutest thing ever! She had us look away a few times so she could get what she needed without us accidently seeing anything. The second time we looked back, the baby had totally flipped, its back was now facing us. It was pretty cool, I wish we could've watched it happen though!


For some reason, this is my favorite ultrasound picture that I've ever gotten. We have a profile picture of AJ, I was about 28 weeks, so its not that... I don't know what it is. I feel like the baby's so cute already! Love.

When I was pregnant with Aiden, you could bring in a blank dvd or buy one there for them to record. We stopped at Walgreens on the way to Rian's ultrasound, but they didn't have the right kind so we figured we'd buy one at the office, but they no longer sold them there. So we don't have hers recorded. For this one, they offer a free dvd. Changes every time! I can already hear her, "How come you don't have a recording of mine?" :) I thought it'd be neat to show the kids, but I don't know if we'd be able to see something that we don't want to... so we'll wait!

18 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. You are so pretty & that baby is so perfect!! & I don't have a DVD- Boo!
