Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99

Rian spent most of the day in her room, refusing to clean it. She is so stubborn! (No big surprise with me as her Mom.) Two naps later and a phone call from Daddy, she finally did it. And finally got her lunch at 3pm- seriously!

After dinner we went outside, it was so nice out! I was pushing her on the swing and thinking about just how little the kids are. Sure they've grown a lot and I always think about how big they've gotten. But in the grand scheme of life, they're still so, soo little. And I need to remind myself of that more often.

Last week I was looking at pictures of them from this time two years ago... one day soon, I'll look back to right now and think the same thing. I'm one of those Moms that misses the past a lot, my little babies. They're growing right before my eyes. I need to stop being that way. I'll always long for those days when they were smaller, but I don't want it to take away from the Now anymore. My new goal is to work on that.

Totally in love with this picture.
The rest of the swing set was put together before and after Steven got home from work. It's so awesome! Two swings, a bar swing, a slide, a little clubhouse area with a shade, a "lemonade stand" (or it looks like it can be a sand box if you want it to) and a little bench. A lot of the reviews said the picture makes it look bigger than it really is, but the size is perfect for our backyard! It's definitely going to be getting a lot of use!

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