Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 121 (22 weeks pregnant)

How is it May already?! The year's already almost half way over.
I was about to get ready for bed and realized I hadn't taken a picture today, so its not that greatest. I just wanted to go to sleep!
Twenty two weeks
Pregnancy this week:
- Since Monday, I've been craving a Coca-Cola icee. I saw a commercial for a Burger King one and can't get it out of my head! Augh.
- When I get up from the couch or bed and my body's bent, I feel a sharp little jab in my side: the baby! Even though it's my third time being pregnant, it's still just as amazing as the first time feeling that little human move around! My constant sidekick. :)
- My belly has also started moving with some of the movements.
- With AJ and Ri, I stopped shedding. Then about 3-5 months postpartum, I started losing hair like crazy. In clumps. This time my hair sheds normally, I like it this way better.
This morning I registered this little dude for Kindergarten. How's that possible?!
We've decided to keep him at his home school and not move him if we end up getting a call. Having three kids, they'd all have to be able to transfer over to the other school and that seems kind of hard to depend on. Plus, I've heard from people I used to work with that the school is better than it used to be. And we also know somebody who has her girls where I wanted him to go and she's taking them out next year- yikes! She said they hate it there. Talking to other people definitely helped us make our decision. I think next year I'm going to look more into some of the local charter schools. I called one but Kinder is the hardest year to get in it for. So we'll see.
Just can't get over the fact that we're about to have a kid in school full-time. Crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Kindergarten!!! I can't believe how big he is already. Time goes by so, so fast. I hope you guys like his Kinder teacher. I think liking the school all has to depend on whether or not you like his teachers.
