Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 149 (26 weeks pregnant)

Twenty six weeks with (two) of my babies.
(I was in my 27th week with AJ, but close enough!)

My face looks so much fuller with him. I was 29ish weeks in Rebecca's wedding and I look soo big in pictures! I'm glad I'm not as puffy this time. I'm pretty sure it'll happen towards the end, but I'm okay with that.

Not much new to report this week. My face has always been pretty red, especially when I'm hot or embarrassed, but sometimes, it's just because. My hands will be freezing, but my cheeks and ears will be hot and red. Lately, my cheeks are extra red, always. Gross. Good thing I wear good makeup! It's crazy how pregnancy hormones can effect literally any/every part of your body.

The other night I could feel the baby when I pushed on my left side! It's so weird. I could go through this a hundred times and I'll never get used to there being a little human hanging out inside of me. I love it. I've also gotten a few bladder punches this week.

Along with my hip pain, I also have a pinching feeling in the lower left of my back that started today. If I stand a certain way, it makes me jump, the pain is so sharp. Even though my pain is the worst at night (and in mornings when I first get up and moving) I've been sleeping really well lately, such a relief because my energy is slowly fading away again.

Such fun this pregnancy is turning out to be! ;) I constantly remind myself how worth it this all is.